4,000 euros for a guard in the Emergency Room


As summer approaches, staff shortages are increasingly felt in hospital services. Given this, the remuneration by medical guards shoots in France. So much so that, according to The Parisiansome health workers are receiving a salary of up to 4,000 euros for a 24-hour shift uninterrupted service emergencies. This medium underlines that, although the guards have an official cap of 1,170.04 euros per month, some doctors are receiving much more attractive offers due to the shortage of professionals that occurs in the summer months.

According to this information, interim doctors from the neighboring region of Paimpol they are being offered 2,500 euros net for 24 hours of emergency care in July or August, while, in other locations, the remuneration is established between 1,800 and 2,000 euros per shift. A salary to which, in addition, other benefits such as accommodation or meals are added.

However, this phenomenon is not surprising the directors of the hospital centers, who see the health care received by the citizens of the region of the France’s Island. “I’m not going to throw stones at them, they just don’t have another. Some ER doctors fiercely negotiate their price: 2,200, 2,400, 2,800… up to 4,000 euros a day! Either the hospital agrees or must close its ER. They know it and they play with it. You cannot imagine the pressure,” explains the director of a hospital in the south of France to this publication.

Job vacancies for doctors in France

A power of pressure denounced by certain health professionals, such as Martin Hirschdirector general of Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, who a few days ago described temporary workers as “mercenaries”. An observation also made by the nursing sector, which maintains that some health workers do not hesitate to voluntarily choose to be temporary. “They are paid much more than everyone else when they hold the same position. They have the same skills, the same number of years of study,” laments Frédéric Adnethead of emergencies in the French municipality of Bobigny.

However, for others, the problem does not come from the use of temporary workers, but is a consequence of the deep crisis that the health system is going through. “We are fed up with the non-revaluation of hospital caregivers. By focusing on temporary work, we divert attention from the real problem. However, if wages were correct, there wouldn’t be as many temporary workers,” says Loic Pen, emergency doctor in Creil. But be warned The Parisianthe phenomenon has continued to increase in recent years, reaching the number of 10,000 interim.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.

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