“5 Brain-Enhancing Eating Habits to Prevent and Reverse Dementia”

2023-05-09 09:02:42

Brain supplementation can start from improving eating habits

Drinking coffee can nourish the brain? Some experts point out that dementia is caused by different factors, including eating habits. If you improve your eating habits, you can not only reduce the risk of dementia, but even reverse it. Experts also pointed out that there are 5 major dietary habits that can prevent dementia. If you eat more of these 5 types of food, you can even reverse the symptoms of dementia.


5 brain-enhancing eating habits Eat 5 types of food to reverse brain degeneration

Hong Taixiong, Lecturer of Nutrition Education and Communication at National Taiwan Universityfacebook pageThe paper pointed out that brain degeneration is caused by different factors, including genetics, environment, stress, lack of exercise and poor eating habits. Eating habits are among the modifiable factors. He also put forward 5 major dietary recommendations, which can not only reduce the risk of dementia, but also promote health.

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