5 Clever Tips to Reduce Pesticide Concentration in Plants

2023-07-12 18:00:00

Some tips can help reduce the concentration of pesticides in plants. Here are 5.

You love them: apples, nectarines, green beans… Yet these fruits and vegetables are among the plants most contaminated by pesticides. Conversely, products such as asparagus, kiwis or even broccoli generally contain less than 10% of pesticides, according to the organization UFC-Que Choisir.

Whether they are heavily polluted or very little, there are clever tricks to somewhat reduce the amount of pesticide residues through fruits and vegetables.

Wash them thoroughly

Many people have got into the habit of rinsing their fruits and vegetables before eating them. Indeed, it is a solution. You can leave your plants under a trickle of water for about thirty seconds. But as you might guess, tap water not enough to eliminate all the pesticides present inside.

Make bicarbonate baths

To make your rinsing more effective, you can add certain ingredients like baking soda. This is the solution acclaimed by scientists. According to a study published in 2017 in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistrythe best way to eliminate pesticides is to immerse your fruits and vegetables in a large bowl and pour it the equivalent of two glasses of water and from there add two teaspoons of baking sodareports Madame Figaro. After fifteen minutes, the products are already better for consumption. But beware, the experiment conducted by the researchers was only carried out on two types of pesticideswhere farmers use many more phytosanitary products.

Plunge them into boiling water

As Dr. Michel Cymes points out on RTLhealth authorities recommend whiten products. In any case, the ones you don’t want to eat raw. All you have to do is immerse them in boiling water for a minute, and immediately after, rinse them with cold water, advises the National Food Safety Agency (ANSES).

Peel the skin

It is a rather radical solution, but effective. So of course you will remove the most vitamin-rich partbut it allows reduce pesticide residues by half, assures the doctor. This can be a solution, especially for the most contaminated fruits and vegetables, such as peppers, peaches or tomatoes.

Avoid conventional agricultural products

Finally, the last solution, which is the most effective of allis as far as possible to consume your products from organic farmingof sustainable agriculture or those labeled “sans pesticides. It is a hell of a budgetwe grant you, but at least you will be sure to enjoy only the benefits of plants.

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#remove #pesticides #fruits #vegetables

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