5 damages that occur to the mother due to excessive childbearing (Infographic)

Frequent childbearing negatively affects the mother’s health, making her feel tired and exhausted throughout the day, and she does not find time to rest and sleep, and other damages to her that we review in this report, according to the “focusonthefamily” website.

5 damages that occur to the mother because of the large number of children

Harmful effects of childbearing on the mother

Getting into a state of depression

The mother may feel depressed and distressed, a psychological feeling that results from the many responsibilities entrusted to her throughout the day, starting with caring for her children, cooking food and other obligations that she must perform, and thus cause her to feel depressed and distressed.

Neglecting the appearance and care of the skin

The large number of burdens placed on the mother’s shoulders due to her having many children makes her not pay attention to herself and does not take care of her external appearance, and her skin, because her time is wasted in caring for children, which makes her look as if she is older.

husband neglect

Husband’s neglect is an expected result due to the mother’s preoccupation with children all day, so she does not find time to take care of herself or her husband, who is bored as a result of the noise and inconvenience caused by children throughout the day.

neglect home

The mother’s preoccupation with children all the time may not make her take care of organizing and arranging the house, which children cause chaos from time to time, making the house a mess all the time.

inability to sleep

Of course, the mother does not find time to get some rest and sleep, as she is most of the time awake to meet the endless needs of her young children, as well as causing them all the time to make noises because they play all day.

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