5 good habits to adopt with your smartphone

2023-05-31 10:20:07

If the smartphone is everywhere in our lives, that does not mean that we know how to use it correctly. We pick up a lot of bad habits with these not so new, but still very foreign, technologies.

Restart your smartphone at least once a week

If it seems logical to turn off most everyday objects when you’re not using them, smartphones are in the opposite situation: you don’t even think about restarting them. A fatal error.

Restarting your smartphone can be vital in the event of a problem, allowing basic applications and functions to reset. But even a smartphone in good condition needs a regular restart, which will, among other things, empty the temporary memory that tends to slow down your smartphone.

If once a week is a minimum, it can even be beneficial to restart your smartphone daily. This is a gesture that will significantly extend the life of your phone.

Regularly clean your screen

Whether it’s the grease from our fingers or the dust that accumulates, the screens are often dirty. And this filth is far from hygienic. Also, to avoid infections of all kinds, you should clean your smartphone regularly. Again, once a week seems to be ideal.

But a smartphone does not clean just anyhow. The device is fragile, and requires care. As with spectacle lenses, you should not clean your screen with too abrasive a material, nor rub it regularly with alcohol.

It is therefore advisable to use a soft cloth, typically microfiber, which will not attack the screen of the smartphone, and thus keep it longer.

Don’t overuse widgets

Widgets are those handy little features that allow you to access functions such as the time or the weather directly from your home screen. Unfortunately, their impact can be more negative than positive, especially in excess.

Widgets tend to decrease the life of your phone’s battery and processor. In addition to making navigation particularly difficult.

So remember to delete Widgets that you can easily do without!

Update your phone

An update can be particularly painful if you’re in a rush. However, ignoring them will only diminish the quality of your user experience.

Indeed, updates can fix bugs inherent to your smartphone. These can increase over time if you decide to ignore their corrections, and make your smartphone unusable.

Do not click on all the “yes”

Upon entering a site, you are very often greeted by a small window asking you to select cookie settings. It can be very tempting to say yes every time, to save time.

However, this is a serious mistake because, in addition to the inherent privacy issues, cookies are small files that will be installed on your smartphone. Thus, by accepting all cookies, you fill your smartphone with very often useless data which ends up being stored and significantly slowing down your phone.

Added to this is another problem: subscriptions to push notifications, which look like cookie boxes on sites, with clickable yes / no buttons, to subscribe to notifications. Many people subscribe to it by mistake and find themselves overwhelmed with notifications.

Finally, there is the risk of installing viruses and malware on more dubious sites, by mistakenly clicking on a pop-up window. Be careful to adopt good habits.

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