After Babri Masjid, one other historic mosque is focused by Hindu extremists

After the historic Babri Masjid in India, the Golden Bagh Mosque grew to become the goal of Hindu extremists, preparations for demolishing the 150-year-old historic mosque in New Delhi have been began.

In accordance with international media stories, the proposal to demolish the 150-year-old mosque in New Delhi got here out. The British authorities had determined to maintain the golden mosque within the map of the institution of New Delhi in 1912.

New Delhi Municipal Council has issued a discover to demolish the mosque within the identify of visitors restoration beneath the Central Vista Challenge.

This mosque is coming for visitors move on this undertaking, now the demolition of the mosque within the identify of visitors restoration will create an issue. was refused.

Many historians have raised issues towards this proposal, the Golden Bagh Mosque of the Mughal period is a acknowledged heritage website in India and was accepted by the British Empire.

Sunhari Bagh Mosque can be talked about within the e-book “Listing of Muhammadan and Hindu Monuments” printed in 1912. In accordance with the e-book, the mosque is situated within the backyard of “Hakim Ji”.

In accordance with historians, this mosque was constructed on the finish of the Mughal period, its historical past can be related with freedomist chief Hasrat Mohani, this mosque has additionally been of nice significance within the anti-colonial wrestle.

#Babri #Masjid #historic #mosque #focused #Hindu #extremists
2024-05-22 11:48:01

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