5 keys to successfully reduce your consumption after the holidays

(CNN) — There are plenty of good reasons to have a ‘dry January’ without drinking alcohol. Maybe you’ve had too much to drink over the holidays, or you want to start a diet or exercise routine and can’t afford the calories or the drop in energy and motivation that alcoholic beverages can bring.

“Or it could be someone who is really starting to wonder or question their relationship with alcohol, and this is an opportunity to really explore the issue,” said Dr. Sarah Wakeman, medical director of the Substance Use Disorders Initiative at the Massachusetts General Hospital.

“For some people, saying ‘I’m not going to drink for this whole month’ can be really hard, so trying to do it can show you how easy or hard it is for you,” says neuropsychologist Sanam Hafeez, who teaches at Teachers College. from Columbia University.

What are the experts’ tips for having a successful non-alcoholic party? Keep reading.

1. Know your reasons for giving up alcohol

To make it a habit, it helps to be clear about the goal, said Wakeman, who is an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

“The research we have on goal setting says that goals are more likely to be achieved if they’re really relevant to you as an individual and not abstract like ‘I need to stop drinking because drinking is bad,'” he said.

Concrete goals, such as adopting new sleep habits or an exercise routine, will help make quitting easier, he said.

“I really want to stop drinking because I know when I drink a lot not getting up the next morning and not exercising is a very specific goal,” Wakeman said.

Additional motivation may come from the health benefits of reducing or eliminating alcohol, experts say.

“Drinking less over time can have really measurable benefits on your health in terms of blood pressure, cancer risk, liver disease risk and other conditions,” Wakeman said.

“Within a month, you may notice some short-term benefits, such as better sleep, improved complexion due to skin improvements, feeling clearer, and having more energy,” he added.

2. Set “SMART” goals

Many of us are familiar with SMART goals at work or school, which are used to help people set achievable goals. They are the acronyms of:

  • Specific (Specific): Set an achievable goal, such as reducing alcohol consumption 3 days a week. You can add days until you reach your final goal.
  • Measurable (measurable): How many fewer drinks will you have and what size?
  • Achievable (Achievable): Make sure there aren’t a ton of social gatherings where alcohol is likely to be served during your month of abstinence.
  • Relevant(relevant): How will not drinking help me in my life and my health?
  • Timely (timely): Set a reasonable time frame to finish your efforts. If you want, you can set another goal later.

“If you set the bar too high, you can fail, so it’s better to set smaller goals to get there,” says Hafeez. “Nothing starts without a sincere conversation with yourself.”

3. Share your goal of not drinking more alcohol with others

Letting a few friends or family members know about your goal can help you reach it, experts say. Some people may find it helpful to announce their plan on social media, and even invite others to join and report their progress.

That’s where I think ‘dry January’ has come into fashion,” Wakeman says. “If you publicly state that you’re going to do something, you’re more likely to stick with it than if you keep it to yourself.”

4. Consider the possibility of a mocktails (fake cocktail)

The drink is usually associated with social gatherings or moments of fun and celebration. That can make your brain see alcohol as something positive. Experts say you can combat those urges by substituting your drink of choice for something equally festive or tasty.

“For some people it might just be sparkling water, and for others it’s really a mocktail or some kind of (non-alcoholic) drink that feels fun and celebratory,” Wakeman said.

“Substituting one behavior for another may work because you’re tricking your brain,” Hafeez said. “That can absolutely help you avoid temptation.”

There’s an entire industry dedicated to making soft drinks that taste (at least a little) like the real thing. Some even claim to have added ingredients that are “soothing” or “healthy.”

“I’m skeptical of anything that says it relaxes you or has amazing health benefits and comes in a glass, regardless of what it is,” Wakeman says. “But if it’s an alternative that allows you to feel like you’re not missing out on a social situation, and helps you make the changes you want in your drinking, I don’t think there’s a downside.”

5. Track your progress, your goal and how you feel

Even if you don’t end up giving up alcohol, tracking your emotions and impulses to figure out your triggers can be very helpful information, Wakeman said.

“Even just measuring your behavior, whether it’s alcohol or exercise or your diet, can be an intervention in and of itself,” he said.

“Even if someone isn’t ready to make changes yet, just keeping a diary of when you drink, when you drink the most, and how you feel during those times can really help identify sorts of trigger situations where it’s more likely to be drunk,” Wakeman added.

Monitor your symptoms

According to experts, there is one additional piece that is important to achieving a successful “dry January.” It’s important to realize if you or a loved one is showing any negative symptoms from cutting back or cutting out alcohol. That could be a sign that you need professional help to reach your goal.

“The first thing to be aware of is whether or not you actually have an alcohol use disorder,” Wakeman said. “If someone has been drinking a lot every day and is at risk of withdrawal symptoms, then it can be really dangerous to quit abruptly.”

A person with true alcohol use disorder, who has become accustomed to having a certain level of alcohol in their body every day, may go into withdrawal and experience severe physical symptoms such as tremors, sweating, rapid heart rate, and seizures.

“That would be a real indication that you need to talk to a medical professional about getting medical treatment for withdrawal and not quitting on your own,” Wakeman said.

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