5 natural ways to maintain healthy eyesight

The emergence of the Corona virus epidemic has caused many health problems, including the continuation of looking at screens and phones for long periods, this leads to major eye problems, eye fatigue and eye diseases in the future, and you may be shocked if you know that the harmful blue light emitted by smartphones and screens can accelerate If you are blind, in this report we learn about the natural ways in which you can Maintain healthy eyesight without doing much, according toonlymyhealth

Natural ways to maintain healthy eyesight

1. Palming exercise

Palming eye masking exercise An exercise you must have seen many people, especially the elderly, do. It is an exercise that relaxes your eyes and enhances eyesight. Palming An easy way to provide proper relaxation, it may be possible that you have done this at times in life, intentionally or unintentionally. You just need to rub your palms together and keep them over your eyes for a few seconds. Repeat this for 5-7 times.

2. Rotate the eye

Rolling eyes is something we all do unconsciously. When our eyes strain when looking in a particular direction, we move our eyes around and turn them around. To do this appropriately, you should start from rotating the eyes clockwise and then moving them counterclockwise. Take a break between them and then repeat this for at least 5 times. You should rotate your eyes at least twice a day for healthy eyesight.

3. Refocus

Refocusing is a method that should be applied virtually to everyone. Children should try this method for improving eye health especially when they focus on their books or otherwise.

Refocusing is a kind of exercise that helps you to break the continuity and relax your mind and nerves that connect the eyes, it is a very simple thing to do in this, first look away from the screen at a distant object and then look at the palm of your hand, then return your focus on the distant object, repeat That’s 5 times between work and you’ll feel less tired and drowsy.

4. Blink your eyes at constant intervals

Blinking is something that comes very naturally to all of us, if you have a blank wall right in front of you, you can easily try it, first close your eyes for 2 seconds, then open your eyes and blink quickly for about 5 seconds, once you do, repeat it for another 5-7 times for these The whole process, prevents you from eye strain, fatigue and redness that would otherwise occur often.

5. The 20-20-20 rule

This is a very trendy method recommended by ophthalmologists as well, the 20-20-20 eye rule can be applied basically at any time of the day, this can give you the best results when you do it at regular intervals throughout the day to keep your eyes healthy, while working on computer or watch your favorite program on the phone. All you have to do is look away every 20 minutes for 20 seconds at something at least 20 feet away from you, this exercise or process can help you improve your eyesight.

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