5 Questions Patients Ask Before Laser Eye Surgery

1. What type of refractive surgery is right for me?

Laser eye surgery has been around for over 30 years. It has become one of the most performed surgical procedures in France and in the world. And as much to tell you that there has been a lot of technological progress in recent years! Three main techniques exist: the PKR or surface excimer laser, LASIK and the SMILE technique. Each of them is used according to your visual defect but also your way of life and your expectations. Thus, the laser makes it possible to correct many visual defects such as myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia and presbyopia. If you suffer from keratoconus, it is also possible to think about refractive surgery.

2.How is the first consultation with the eye surgeon?

Laser eye surgery requires a careful preoperative assessment, carried out by a qualified and experienced practitioner. This preoperative consultation is essential. It allows the surgeon to carry out a complete assessment which will enable him to determine if you are eligible for the intervention. Corneal topography evaluating the regularity of the cornea, measurement of the thickness of the cornea, measurement of the pupil… Your eyes will no longer hold any secrets for your surgeon! Between the preoperative consultation and the day of the refractive surgery, a reflection period of 15 days is mandatory. If all the conditions are met, you can therefore have surgery fairly quickly.

3.Are there any contraindications for laser eye surgery?

Progressive myopia, excessive myopia (greater than 10 d) or too thin a cornea are among the most frequent contraindications. In general, it is above all the stability of your vision that counts. You must have had stable eyesight for at least two years to qualify for laser eye surgery. You must also be at least 18 years old because eye growth ends between the ages of 18 and 25. Concerning pregnant women, refractive surgery is possible at the very beginning of pregnancy. Then, it is advisable to postpone your operation until after the baby arrives, ideally within 3 months after delivery. This delay allows blood hormone levels to return to normal. Hormones can, in fact, cause slight changes in the water content of the cornea, and therefore, modify vision (especially during the last two trimesters of pregnancy).

4.Does laser eye surgery hurt?

This is definitely the most frequently asked question regarding laser eye surgery! Rest assured, today’s techniques have evolved so much that the risk of blindness is non-existent. Complications from refractive laser surgery are rare because the surgeon does not fit into the eye itself. He will treat the eye defect on the surface, which greatly limits potential complications. At most, you will feel a slight discomfort when the surgeon is going to moisten the eye or when he is going to place a retractor to hold the eye open for the operation. The operation is strictly painless thanks to anesthetic eye drops. Know that this very significantly limits its potential complications your vision will not worsen after laser surgery and you will not risk going blind either!

5. Will I have to take a week off after my laser eye surgery?

Technological advances allow better recovery and almost no social eviction. Some patients who have surgery in the morning using the latest generation SMILE technique can even return to work the next day! Depending on the technology that will be used to perform your operation (PKR or LASIK), you have the option of resuming your professional activity the next day (for a Femtolasik or a Smile), or at the latest one week to 15 days or more. for a PKR after the operation. If the operation is performed on an outpatient basis, the ideal is to be accompanied on the day of your operation. You will feel like a light whitish veil which will make it difficult for you to drive a car right after the procedure. This veil disappears between five and six hours after the operation. The beginning of a new life without glasses!

The effects of surgery are now much better controlled with remarkable laser precision and guarantee you vision without glasses or contact lenses in the majority of cases. While there are different refractive surgery techniques, the first thing to do is to make sure your eye is operable. the Elsan Vision laser center in Toulon brings together all the latest generation technologies and the experience of its ophthalmic surgeons. “Whether you are nearsighted, astigmatic, farsighted or even presbyopic, having laser eye surgery allows everyone to rediscover the pleasure of having clear vision,” explains Belkacem Asli, Manager of the Elsan Vision Toulon Laser Center. Something to say goodbye to your glasses or contact lenses for good and give way to a life without constraints!

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