5 Secret Hangover Cures

Headache, nausea, fatigue, body aches… After a festive and drunken evening, the following days are often complicated! Symptoms that are not unknown to you? For ease the hangover and help you get back in shape, the editorial team has unearthed some tips. Of the detox and natural tips to help you digest and purify your body. After testing these hangover remedies for sure, you will be back on your feet in the blink of an eye.

Secret #1: Rehydrate!

It is well known that consuming alcohol dehydrates the body. By causing excessive water elimination, it causes headaches, pain in the back or neck or even fatigue. To limit them, nothing could be simpler: hydration ! Drinking water before, during and after the evening is essential. The day after, favor the consumption of pure wateror even herbal teas. Peppermint to reduce headaches, nettle to eliminate toxins, sage to aid digestion… Plants will be your best allies!

Also bet on vegetable broths. Moisturizing and rich in mineral salts, they will be real allies to recover your spirits. Feel free to add some curcuma, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that will help your liver filter out alcohol. Combined with black pepper, the curcumin it contains will be even better assimilated by your body for tenfold effects. After this detox brothyour body will thank you!

Secret n°2: Fill up on good sugars to avoid hypoglycemia

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With excess alcohol, the sugar level drops in the blood: you then need fast sugars. To avoid hypoglycemia, a Juice or fresh fruit will do you good. Prefer those rich in water, such as grapes or watermelonor loaded with potassium, such as banana or kiwi. Another simple and effective option: a good toast of Honey. Rich in fructose, honey will help you regain energy. Hangover remedies to gently get out of your lethargic state…

Secret #3: Recharge your batteries with protein

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When we wake up from a drunken evening, we are often starving…because alcohol awakens our appetite! Rather than heading to junk food, focus on proteins: fish, meat… They are also rich in protein, eggs help break down acetaldehyde, a toxin found in alcohol. Boiled, fried, Benedict or scrambled : they are both simple to prepare and inexpensive. Write them down on your shopping list to have them in the fridge for any aftermath of a difficult evening!

Secret n°4: Boost your body and help it digest

foods for alcohol symptoms

Recharge your meters by vitamines B through foods like green vegetables, eggs, legumes, whole grains or even fish and meat. Tiredness and nausea? To make up for your deficit in potassium At the origin of these evils, then favor kiwis, bananas or even spinach. Finally, choose the gingerwhich will boost your digestive enzymes and soothe your intestinal flora, or the cinnamon, ideal in case of nausea. To better digest fennel and black radish will also be good remedies against a hangover, in salads or soups for example.

Secret #5: Avoid certain drinks and foods

food to avoid drunken night

Although tempting, leave out coffees and teas the aftermath of drunken evenings. Caffeine and theine will indeed reinforce your dehydration, which will not help your problem! On the juice side, if they are a good idea to find vitamins, however, avoid highly acidic drinks such as orange juice. The latter will be too difficult to digest for your weakened stomach. Finally, even if we often want a good burger or a well-stocked pizza after seeing alcohol, fatty foods are also to be avoided. The saturated fats they contain would indeed add to the alcohol that your body must already eliminate. Which may not please him… Fatty and acidic, dairy products are also to be limited.

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