5 ways to exercise memory

2. Tame distractions

Create a list of distractions to review later. Because the Internet has made any information instantly accessible, we tend to search for something the moment it crosses our mind. The problem is that, once we get distracted, it takes us an average of 23 minutes to get back to our original task, moving away from what we’re working on the instant these questions or thoughts pop into our mind. How to solve it? Every time you have something to check, just write it down on a piece of paper to look it up later.

3. Exercise your body

Aerobic exercise is great for the body and brain. It has been shown that physical exercise also strengthens the brain. Exercise affects the brain in multiple ways: it increases your heart rate which pumps more oxygen to the brain, and it facilitates the body’s release of a host of hormones, providing a nutritious environment for brain cell growth. Physical activity, diet, and weight are factors that can contribute to overall functioning and concentration levels.

4. Try to memorize

Set a goal to memorize a weekly poem or passage. Memorizing passages, poetry or songs over time is a very effective way to make your brain more receptive to memory. It is not necessary to try to memorize entire books, start with everyday things: try to always memorize important numbers instead of having them on your cell phone. Do you have a small market list? try to go without it, making a conscious effort to remember it, leave the GPS and do manual accounts.

5. Practice mindfulness throughout the day

You cannot assimilate information unless you are paying attention. We know that practicing mindfulness can help us improve our productivity, in addition to strengthening our attention. Mindfulness or full attention trains our brain to concentrate better, so that every time we realize that our mind is distracted, we intentionally direct our attention to what we were doing. The constant practice of completely focusing on what you are doing, stopping and observing all the physical and emotional sensations that you are experiencing at that moment, strengthens and widens the attention span for the moments when you really need it.

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