5 ways to hide easter eggs

The search easter eggs It is one of the favorite activities of the children. Therefore, there are different ways to have a fun treasure hunt and in family. In addition, you can cook the eggs prior to the adventure.

follow the tracks

A great option to hide the search of the Easter eggs is to put together a camino that the children they have to continue until they reach the “treasure”.

Another option can be draw y garnish about 10 or more traces of little bunny, trim them and then create a path with them. When they find the last rabbit step, they will be surprised with a sweet surprise.

The search for the golden egg

In this game, the children will be chosen to search for the golden egg That hide somewhere. To find it, one must think list with clues such as “he is in a cold place” (near the refrigerator) or “he is surrounded by sun rays” (in a patio), or, guiding the children with phrases like “cold cold” (when they are far from the target) or “hot hot” (when they are close).

Assign a color for each child

Assign him a color in specific to each niño will ensure that everyone gets the same number of eggs. In addition, they can be filled with the ideal gifts for each age, for example, money for the older ones, and sweets or toys for the younger ones.

Store them in the fridge

Fill the egg carton with the eggs easter It is another of the hiding places that children can be excited about. You can set up a game and have them find them or simply ask them to help cook something and when they want to look for the eggs they find the surprise.

Night search with flashlight

If the children are big, you can organize a search of the Easter eggs in the evening. can use lanterns to help each other and enjoy the adventure.

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