5+1 fruits “full” of proteins – 2024-04-04 02:16:02

Protein is essential for the body and you definitely make sure to include eggs, fatty fish, meat and dairy products in your diet. But do you know that there are plenty of fruits, full of protein, and you can find them, now, in your neighborhood super market?

In addition to being delicious and juicy, they are the ones that you are allowed to consume even if you follow a specific diet plan in order to lose weight.


It is one of the most favorite fruits. You love its taste, but also that unique buttery texture that characterizes its flesh. Today, one more reason is added. One avocado is enough to give you 3 grams of pure protein, but also a complex of vitamins that takes care of your body and your line. You can enjoy it as a snack, use it in your salad or simply as a basic ingredient in a tasty avocado toast.


Its light green color suits perfectly the season we are going through, but also the next one that we wait for every year. It is no coincidence that its season – and therefore its best taste – begins now. In addition to the necessary vitamins, it gives you more than 2 grams of protein. Oh, and of course pleasing your palate.

5+1 fruits

Black berries

Don’t underestimate their slightly darker version. Why, only black won’t make you paint them. One cup offers you 2 grams of miraculous protein, but also half the daily amount of vitamin C – yes, the one that strengthens immunity – that your body needs for its proper functioning.

5+1 fruits


You squeeze it and enjoy its juice and vitamins to the fullest. You clean it and add it to your salad. You enjoy it, just the way it is. An orange – who stops at one? – offers you 4% of the amount of protein you need daily.

5+1 fruits


A banana a day brings potassium and protein for sure. It may not be as high in content as the rest of its nutrients, but this does not mean that it is not among the ten fruits with the most grams of pure protein.

5+1 fruits


It may have disappeared from the fresh fruit counter for a while, but the bright citrus is making a comeback. This time, in addition to its detoxifying properties, make sure to take advantage of the protein it offers you, which reaches 9 per 100 grams.

5+1 fruits

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