6 tips for running at your best and reaching the end

2023-06-16 18:30:12

Running a marathon is a demanding undertaking that requires careful preparation. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced runner, it is important to follow good practices to achieve your goals and avoid injuries. Here are 6 tips to help you train effectively and finish your marathon successfully.

1. Set realistic goals as a beginner runner

When embarking on your first marathon, setting realistic goals is essential. Rather than focusing on race times, it’s better to focus on the basics. Its main objective is to bring beginner runners to the starting line. According to him, if you train and arrive at the start in good health, you will finish the race. It’s common for novice runners to get carried away with their ambition and overdo it, whether in training or on race day, which can lead to injury. Train for several months to a year, depending on your level of experience. Reaching a distance of 32 kilometers during training is a good goal for beginners. This helps to ensure that you are ready to take on the 42.2 kilometers of racing on D-Day.

2. Avoid extra stressors and leave nothing to chance on race day

Mental preparation is just as important as physical preparation when it comes to running a marathon. It is essential to prepare well mentally in the days leading up to the race. Study the course of the race and familiarize yourself with the most difficult sections so that you are not caught off guard. It’s also important to have a detailed plan for race day. This includes things like what time you’ll wake up, what you’ll wear if the weather is cool, and even when you’ll take breaks to stretch. By having everything planned in advance, you’ll reduce stress and be able to focus on your race.

3. Don’t get carried away by the enthusiasm of the crowd

When you participate in a marathon, it is common to be cheered on by a cheering crowd. However, it’s important not to let this excitement cause you to accelerate too quickly. Studies have shown that runners who start running at too fast a pace tend to slow down as they run. It is important not to be swayed by the crowd at the start of the race. Instead, channel that energy into the calmer parts of the race, where you may need extra mental and physical support. Appreciate the cheering from the crowd, but don’t let it disrupt your pace and race strategy.

4. Find the right hydration balance

Hydration is an important part of preparing for a marathon. It’s essential to stay hydrated while running, but it’s also important not to drink too much. According to Jonathan Cane, it’s best to trust your thirst to determine when you should drink. It is recommended to monitor sweat loss and take a few sips of water at each station every mile or two. If you notice that you are sweating more than usual and still feel thirsty, you should increase your water intake. It is important to find the right balance to avoid dehydration or hyponatremia, which is a dilution of sodium levels in the blood.

5. Eat a balanced diet before and after running

Diet plays a crucial role in preparing for a marathon. Contrary to a common misconception, you don’t need to deplete your carb stores and overload on carbs the night before the race. It is recommended to increase your carbohydrate intake several days before the race to store enough glycogen, which is used for energy during exercise. According to experts, it is important to focus on quality carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables and dairy products. It is advisable to increase the proportion of carbohydrates in your diet from 55% to 65-70% several days before the race. It is also recommended to slightly reduce protein and fat intake. It’s important to note that you can’t store a large amount of glycogen all at once, so it’s best to spread your carb intake throughout the day.

6. Plan your recovery period

Recovery after a marathon is just as important as the preparation and the race itself. It is recommended to allow a recovery period of approximately one day per mile run. Therefore, for a 42.2 kilometer marathon, it is advisable to take almost a full month of recovery.

During the first days after the race, it is important to keep moving to promote blood circulation and prevent blood from pooling in the legs. It is also recommended to eat foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins to replenish energy reserves and promote muscle recovery. After a week, you can resume a balanced diet and get enough rest. After three to four weeks, you can start exercising slowly again, focusing on light walks and jogs.

Preparing for a marathon takes time, commitment and a good strategy. By following these expert tips, you can train effectively, avoid injury, and finish your marathon successfully. Remember to set realistic goals, prepare yourself mentally, stay hydrated, follow a balanced diet, and allow for adequate recovery time. Good race !

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

#tips #running #reaching

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