6 tips to overcome joint pain and muscle spasms in winter

Going to doctors increases with the advent of winter due to cases of joint pain and muscle stiffness. Exposure to sunlight, taking a warm shower before bed and keeping yourself hydrated are some ways to relieve pain, and so this means that during the winter, some people experience muscle spasms.

On this, the report, published on the “indiatoday” website, indicated that the winter season leads to the emergence of many health problems for the elderly, and doctors share that at the beginning of the cold months, cases of joint pain and muscle spasm increase, especially among the elderly who suffer from chronic pain.

said Dr Rohit Chakur, Consultant Replacement Surgeon joints Arthroscopy shows that most of the elderly feel exacerbation of joint pain and stiffness during the winter, and this includes feeling pain in old injuries and operations sites as well, and it is said that there is a steady increase in the number of patients with such complaints, and as a result of the change in temperature and cold weather, there is stiffness Severe in muscles, linings, and joints.

During the winter, blood flow to other nearby areas of the body decreases, and when this happens, the person feels discomfort and pain moving highly mobile joints such as the knees, hips, and fingers.

According to Dr. Raghavendra Ramangulu, Consultant Palliative Medicine and Rehabilitation, who pointed out that these problems occur due to the thickening of the fluids in the body. At that time, the joint fluids thicken and the muscles spasm. Muscle pain can lead to a lot of friction which leads to shivering, and an inflammatory mediator is formed. It can lead to problems and concerns with muscle pain and muscle pain which leads to more joint friction.

The report provided the most important advice to alleviate bone and muscle problems during the winter season, including:

Sun exposure:

Dr. Ramangulu advised that a person should be exposed to sunlight during the day as often as possible as it removes ‘stiffness’ in the body.

Moisturizing the body:

It is important to stay hydrated. Most people do not drink enough water in the cold season and thus end up experiencing joint pain and muscle cramps. Drinking plenty of fluids ensures the proper functioning of the joints and muscles.

Eat some foods:

Eating food rich in vitamins C, D and K and this includes spinach, cabbage, tomatoes and oranges which also contains calcium and other minerals is essential for the well-being of the bones and joints.

Life style change:

Certain lifestyle changes like taking a hot shower before bed can make people warm, and Dr. Ramangulu recommended drinking a cup of warm milk before going to bed to improve your sleep.

“If sleep improves, most problems with muscle pain and spasms will go away. If deep sleep is not good, there will be a vicious cycle. The next day, in the morning, you will wake up with more aches and pains.”

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