7-Day Abdomen Flattening Routine: Exercises to Reduce Waist and Abdomen at Home

2024-01-14 02:22:00

It is true that the gym is not for everyone, either because you don’t have time or it is too far away, that is why this routine to get a abdomen plano in just seven days is for you.

Do you want to reduce your waist y abdomen? This is your routine, because you can reduce those fat sides and flatten that dream abdomen; The best part is that you only need to practice it for 10 minutes a day.

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Exercises to reduce the abdomen

  • Iron. The important thing in this exercise is to keep your back straight and tighten your abdomen, arms and buttocks.
  • Leg elevation. Lie on your back, raise your legs and pelvis towards the ceiling, focusing the effort on the abdomen, it hurts but it works.
  • Burpee. In a squat, he places his hands on the ground and then keeps his head up to begin to throw his legs back with his feet together.
  • Crunches. For this exercise, get into the plank position, but this time bring your elbow to the opposite knee alternately, you will sweat but it will help.

Exercising at home is the best thing there is / Credits: Pexels

  • Scissors. With your gaze up, raise one leg upwards completely rigid, while the other is held in the air, you must raise your legs alternately simulating a scissors.
  • Sit-up. Again face up, with your legs bent in a frog position and with a weight in your arms, you should sit and lie down without lifting your legs off the ground.
  • Russian twist. Finally, sit with your legs bent and leave your feet in the air; Place a weight or ball between them to tilt it from one side to the other.

The gym is not for everyone so you could choose to do the exercises at home/Credits. Pexels

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