7 tips to improve sleep quality

Those who sleep well have more productive and fruitful days. In addition, restorative sleep is one of the pillars of good health, as several substances essential to the functioning of the body are produced during rest.

“Sleep allows the brain to consolidate the memories and learning acquired during the day”, says nutritionist Alessandra Feltre, from the supplement company Puravida. She adds that antibodies and cytokines, responsible for the body’s reaction in case of infections, are also produced during the night.

To ensure quality sleep, Alessandra suggests creating a regular routine, organizing a conducive environment and choosing foods that are not stimulating. “Sleep is as important to our health as food, and both work together”, says the nutritionist.

See below 7 nutritionist advice to improve the quality of your sleep:

1. Have a regular bedtime

Sleep is regulated by an internal biological clock, called the circadian cycle. It helps control the release of hormones needed to initiate and maintain rest. Having a bedtime schedule helps to synchronize this internal body mechanism.

2. Have a cup of tea

Some herbs are known to have calming and sedative properties. Chamomile, valerian, passion fruit, lavender and lemon balm are on the list. They feature compounds that help reduce anxiety and induce sleep.

The ritual of preparing and drinking tea can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which facilitates the moment of rest.

3. Seek tranquility

The nutritionist advises that people adopt activities that help them relax and slow down before going to sleep, such as listening to calm music, taking a hot bath or practicing meditation. “The goal is to create a peaceful environment free of stressful stimuli, allowing the body to feel lighter”, highlights Alessandra.

4. Have dinner before 8 pm

A heavy meal late at night can lead to digestion issues, acid reflux and gastrointestinal distress. The ideal is to have dinner until 20:00 and opt for light meals

Alessandra suggests avoiding spicy, fatty or sugary foods.

5. Turn off your cell phone

Exposure to blue light emitted by electronic screens can interfere with the production of melatonin and adenosine, hormones that induce and regulate sleep. Avoiding the use of screens an hour before bed helps prepare the brain for rest, which gives quality sleep.

6. Seize the day

Exposure to daylight and the practice of physical activities in the morning help regulate the circadian cycle and increase disposition, which allows sleep to come more easily. Sport also helps to reduce anxiety and stress, which can be related to insomnia.

7. Make good food choices

Some substances, such as tryptophan and magnesium, help improve sleep quality. They can be found in foods such as nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables, in addition to specific dietary supplements.

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