8 reasons to keep looking for salty food

The reason we keep looking for salty food may be because our body is sending a signal. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

There are times when you still want to eat salty food even if you fill your refrigerator with healthy food to keep a healthy diet. Eating a lot of salt is not good for health, but it is necessary for our body to function, so we can’t stop eating it at all. However, the reason we keep looking for salty food may be because our body is sending a signal, not because we really want a salty snack. The reason why salty food is especially appealing was introduced by the American health information site ‘Prevention’.

1. A diet that limits certain nutrients

A low-carb diet with very few carbohydrates can lead to excessive sodium intake. Avoiding sodium-rich foods at all or switching to a diet that reduces carbohydrate intake, such as the keto diet, can lead to salty foods.

2. Excessive stress

Stress affects the hormones your body produces, sometimes increasing your sodium cravings. The adrenal glands are responsible for secreting the stress hormone cortisol, which helps regulate blood pressure and the body’s response to stress. However, chronic stress causes too much cortisol to be produced, leading to increased cravings for certain foods.

3. Addison’s Disease

The adrenal glands play an important role in regulating certain hormones, including those that regulate fluid and electrolyte balance. A rare condition called Addison’s disease reduces the amount of hormones made by the adrenal glands, which can increase your cravings for salt. Addison’s disease is a disease caused by an abnormality in the production of certain hormones. The sodium level is lowered, so the craving for salty food increases, and symptoms such as fatigue, convulsions, and dizziness may occur.

4. Bartter syndrome

Barter’s syndrome is a disease that occurs due to an abnormality in the electrolyte pathway of the renal tubular cells. In this disease, sodium cannot be reabsorbed and is excreted excessively in the urine, resulting in a shortage of electrolytes in the body. This means chronic sodium deficiency.

5. Lack of sleep

Just like stress, lack of sleep can affect hormone levels, leading to cravings for salty foods. Get enough sleep, 7-9 hours a day.

6. During menstruation

Cravings for salty foods can be a symptom of PMS. Salty or sweet foods are due to hormonal changes. Vomiting or diarrhea during menstruation can also lead to dehydration and an electrolyte imbalance.

7. When you are pregnant

Hormonal changes during pregnancy may make you crave salty or sweet foods. If you have symptoms of vomiting due to morning sickness, your body will not be able to get enough water and you will need more sodium. Even if this is not the case, there are some people who need more water during pregnancy and turn to salty foods.

8. Insufficient fluid intake

Adequate hydration and electrolyte intake are essential for body function. If you sweat a lot from heat or exercise, or if you don’t drink enough water throughout the day, your sodium cravings increase. Our bodies love balance, so when your sodium levels drop, your body signals that it needs sodium to rebalance. Even if you have recently experienced vomiting or diarrhea, it is possible that your body is dehydrated.

Reporter Jeong Hee-eun [email protected]

ⓒ ‘Honest knowledge for health’ Comedy.com (https://kormedi.com) / Unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited

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