91-year-old Viennese woman before a jury for murder

A 91-year-old woman has to answer for murder and arson at the Vienna Regional Court for Criminal Matters on Friday. The elderly woman is apparently capable of hearing and negotiating. The appointment was still entered in the register, assured court spokeswoman Christina Salzborn on APA request. The accused is said to have set fire to her apartment in Simmering because she was overwhelmed by her living situation. Her 93-year-old husband died in the blaze.

The man had been in need of care for a long time. According to the indictment, he had not left the apartment since 2019 and suffered from dementia. The wife may not have been able to cope with him and in her despair decided to put an end to this life. On the night of July 21, 2022, she piled clothes and toilet paper into a pile, poured surgical spirit over it and set it on fire. The 91-year-old fled to the balcony when the flames spread, from which she was rescued by the fire brigade using a turntable ladder. For the bedridden husband, on the other hand, any help came too late. According to the autopsy report, the 93-year-old died of smoke inhalation.

Accessed on 02/16/2023 at 09:37

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