“99.9% certain that it is not an aircraft”

2023-08-08 12:30:00

The The control tower’s response to the pilot of a plane that was about to take off at the San Carlos de Bariloche airport left all the workers shocked that at that hour of the morning they were fulfilling duties.

Las Images were captured by airport workers who released on their social networks the video of the two and three lights that moved incessantly a few kilometers away. from the runway, while the dialogue between the control tower and the pilot of an aircraft that was about to take off could be heard on the radio.

everything happened on Friday between 4:40 and 5:45, when the runway operators began to observe the two and sometimes three lights that made incessant movements on the horizon in the middle of a night with completely clear skies.

Lights they moved with greater and lesser intensity and even approached again and again another one of greater luminosity, which surprised the runway operators who captured the images with their phones using the lights of the airport itself as a reference.

The data did not go unnoticed in the control tower. It is that on the runway of the Teniente Luis Candelaria airport there was a Flybondi aircraft that was on the runwayWilling to receive authorization to leave for Ezeiza.

On airport radars there was no aircraft presence in the area and therefore it was determined that would be unidentified flying objectss. The low cost plane took off minutes after the sighting.

Finally, when it was already in full flight, the plane’s pilot asked the tower if the aircraft had been identified.

Pilot: “Out of curiosity, the aircraft could be identified” (the lights that were seen in the distance and that the pilots, the tower and the operators had observed)

Control tower: “I keep seeing it… I’m 99.9% sure it’s not an aircraft…”

Pilot: “Isn’t that sorry?”

Control tower: “WHICH IS NOT AN AIRCRAFT…”

Pilot: «ok… good… ready….thanks».

“This is the first time I’ve seen something like this,” they say from the airport:

Pablo Leiva, an airport worker, assures that since the first days of August they have been observing similar situations. In communication with «Ya es tiempo» by BLACK RIVER RADIO explained what they saw: “A movement at a much higher speed than what we are used to and a variation in height, because there is an abrupt ascent and descent.” “What we saw was a light that dimmed and intensified,” he specified.

He also said that it is not the first time that something similar has been observed. “Other control tower shifts have seen it and there are records in other parts of the city.” Anyway, he said: “You have to take it with a grain of salt, we cannot say that it is about extraterrestrial life.” Although he assured “we see lights, very real, almost tangible but we cannot venture to define what it is.”

Leiva is about to complete 13 years of work at the airport and This is the first time he’s seen something like this.

Listen to Pablo Leiva, a worker at the Bariloche airport, on RĂŤO NEGRO RADIO:

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