see your doctor promptly if you see these signs

Omicron is infecting more and more around the world. With it, new symptoms that should alert you if you see them appear on your skin, your nails or your lips.

While the three main symptoms of Covid are a high temperature, a new or persistent cough, and a loss or change in taste or smell, the new variant is more like a common cold, with symptoms often described as “Light” by patients and physicians.

However, there are lesser known signs of the appearance of Omicron on the skin, lips and nails for which patients should seek urgent medical attention. Especially if you notice that your nails have turned blue or gray, in this case consult a doctor immediately.

But that’s not all, the same is true if your skin, or your lips take on a pale, gray or blue color, depending on the skin tone, as this can indicate a low level of oxygen in the blood.

The health care organization described these symptoms as “emergency warning signs” for which we must seek immediate medical attention. These emergency signs also include difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, confusion, and the inability to wake up or stay awake.


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