Does high cholesterol cause headaches and dizziness?

It is no secret to anyone that high cholesterol is a risk factor, and a cause of many health problems, including coronary artery disease, which leads to serious crises such as a heart attack; Is there a relationship between high cholesterol, headache and dizziness?

“The effects of high cholesterol accumulate over the years, so we must be decisive in lowering its levels. What we know is that high cholesterol levels increase the risk of strokes, heart attacks and atherosclerosis, and these problems,” says cardiologist Dr. Luke Lavan. It is the health issues resulting from high cholesterol that worries us.”

If you suffer from high cholesterol levels and suffer from frequent headaches or dizziness, you may think that there is a direct link between the two, which is incorrect, according to what was published on the website Cleveland Clinic.

In most cases, most people with high cholesterol have no symptoms until they have a heart attack, stroke, or angina pectoris.

Lavan believes that “high levels of cholesterol in the blood may cause various physical symptoms, when we see cholesterol deposits in unexpected areas such as the elbows or in the eyes. But it may be the factors that cause high cholesterol, and not cholesterol itself, that is responsible for the headache.”

Lavan continues: “Patients ask me if their high cholesterol is responsible for the headache, and the answer is often no, because your brain is able to adapt to high cholesterol levels for some time, but if the levels are very high, the person may suffer from headaches and pains. Head”.

As we know that high blood pressure and cholesterol are two risk factors for atherosclerosis. But do they cause headaches for the patient? This is doubtful. It is certain that atherosclerosis leads to high blood pressure, which in turn may be responsible for a stroke.

Relationship between high cholesterol and migraines?

Lavan notes, “There is no study that shows a relationship between high cholesterol and migraines. We often associate migraines with vasodilatation, but it is completely different from atherosclerosis.”

However, several studies in the past few years have found interesting associations between cholesterol levels and migraines.

Accordingly, a 2015 study found that people who suffer from frequent migraines have higher levels of bad cholesterol. After receiving treatment to reduce migraines for 3 months, their cholesterol levels decreased.

Another study in 2011 showed that people who suffer from migraine accompanied by in aura They had higher levels of cholesterol and triglycerides than people who did not have headaches.

Are heart problems linked to dizziness?

Lavan stresses that “the feeling that the room is spinning is associated with dizziness or ear problems, and is not clearly associated with cardiovascular disease. However, dizziness can be a sign of heart disease. If you suffer from a buildup in the arteries, and lack of blood flow regularly. enough, or you have narrowed heart valves, all of these problems can cause dizziness or lightheadedness.”

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