After Lugansk, Russia continues its advance eastward from the Slovyansk Gate

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Mayor announced SlovyanskOn Tuesday, Russian forces targeted the town with shelling, which he described as"massive"He called on citizens to take shelter.

The mayor of Sloviansk, Vadim Lyakh, said that the city had been subjected to missile and artillery bombardment, and the frequency of shelling had increased since it was taken over. Moscow On the last major city in the province Luhansk Neighboring.

Leach added: "It is important to evacuate as many residents as possible. The bombing destroyed 40 homes on Monday".

The warning from the mayor of Sloviansk highlighted fears that Russian forces It is actively seeking to advance to further locations in the region DonbassIt is a Russian-speaking industrial area and the most experienced Russian soldiers are concentrated.

and pull Ukrainian army His forces from the city Lyschansk Last Sunday to prevent cordoned off.

office said Ukrainian PresidentThe army is still defending a small part of Lugansk, and is trying to buy time to establish fortified positions in the surrounding areas.

The Russian President approved Vladimir Putinon Monday, that the Russian forces that fought in Luhansk need to "Take a break and enhance their fighting abilities".

On the other hand, he said Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the war in Ukraine It will continue until all the goals announced by Putin are achieved.

According to Shoigu then "The main priorities of Moscow at the moment are the preservation of the life and health of soldiers, as well as the exclusion of a threat to the security of civilians".


Mayor announced SlovyanskOn Tuesday, Russian forces targeted the town with a bombardment, which he described as “massive,” calling on citizens to take shelter.

The mayor of Sloviansk, Vadim Lyakh, said that the city had been subjected to missile and artillery bombardment, and the frequency of shelling had increased since it was taken over. Moscow On the last major city in the province Luhansk Neighboring.

“It is important to evacuate as many residents as possible. The bombing destroyed 40 homes on Monday,” Liach added.

The warning from the mayor of Sloviansk highlighted fears that Russian forces It is actively seeking to advance to further locations in the region DonbassIt is a Russian-speaking industrial area and the most experienced Russian soldiers are concentrated.

and pull Ukrainian army His forces from the city Lyschansk Last Sunday to prevent cordoned off.

office said Ukrainian PresidentThe army is still defending a small part of Lugansk, and is trying to buy time to establish fortified positions in the surrounding areas.

The Russian President approved Vladimir PutinOn Monday, the Russian forces that fought in Lugansk needed to “take a break and enhance their combat capabilities.”

On the other hand, he said Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the war in Ukraine It will continue until all the goals announced by Putin are achieved.

According to Shoigu “The main priorities of Moscow at the moment are the preservation of the life and health of soldiers, as well as the exclusion of a threat to the security of civilians.”

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