Know the side effects of taking too much vitamin C

Whether taken orally for its immune health benefits or used via a serum to boost skin glow, it seems Vitamin C Always in vogue and for good reason, vitamin C plays key roles in immunity, cognition, cardiovascular and skin health, as well as iron absorption and collagen synthesis, but since the body can’t produce it automatically, we have to look for C In food sources, according to what was published by the site ” mindbodygreen“.

Vitamin C sources:

While you can get varying amounts of vitamin C from fruits and vegetables (such as oranges, sweet peppers, cruciferous vegetables, and kiwi), statistics show that getting the essential vitamin from the diet alone is not a foolproof strategy to ensure you get enough of the essential vitamins and benefit from the full range of Health benefits, daily vitamin C supplement.

Possible short-term side effects:

Vitamin C supplements are widely recommended but, as with any supplement, first-time users may be wary of side effects.

stomach upset:

Stomach upset is one of the most common side effects, usually because people consume the acidic form of vitamin C – ascorbic acid – and for some, their stomachs can’t handle the excess acid..

Other digestive phenomena:

Side effects such as gas, bloating, and changes in regularity may occur when taking very high doses of vitamin C. This is more common when taking large amounts of the vitamin (ie consuming more than 2,000 milligrams in a short period of time).

Skin related side effects:

For topical skin care, some products containing vitamin C may cause mild irritation – especially if you go out in the sun right after applying them to your skin. Since vitamin C supplements can provide complementary benefits for skin health, you can always try oral vitamin C to avoid or synergy between topical methods.

Positive Long-Term Side Effects of Vitamin C:

Provides immune support.

Promotes healthy skin.

Supports joint health.

Helps absorb iron.

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