Tips to change habits and balance our diet, axis of our well-being

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By Susie Reich, clinical psychologist and family therapist. She founder and president of the Argentine Association of Integrative Medicine (AAMI).

Feeling calm and satisfied with our lives is not easy in a context that requires us to adapt to constant changes. We do have to bear in mind that well-being is linked to the possibility of continuing to develop the skills already acquired and being encouraged to do new ones that we are passionate about. As far as possible, keeping active and moving, taking walks or other types of gymnastics, is essential. Breathing and body registration practices, even for a few minutes a day, allow us to focus on our emotions and thoughts. Just as movement is important, so is food.

We can rethink eating by incorporating food consciously. Choosing how and what we eat and chewing slowly is the key because what we eat becomes part of our body, it will form our cells, skin and each of our organs. Many people believe that eating is simply to satisfy the appetite, ignoring the benefits of proper nutrition.

Some people -whether due to lack of time or habit- generally eat quickly and do not chew food because they want to continue with their activity. This is a serious mistake: chewing is directly linked to the brain, so you have to be more vigilant because, in addition, poor digestion threatens two of the basic needs of human beings: good humor and good sleep.

For all this, well-being is linked to the digestive system. We all want to feel good, be in a good mood, but even if we want it, it is closely linked to food.

Diarrhea and constipation must also be given importance. Communities of good and bad bacteria live in our intestine, as well as parasites, fungi, viruses and neurons (it is the so-called Enteric Nervous System of 100 million neurons), while bacteria also live in the brain. Bacteria and neurons dialogue and when there is intestinal inflammation, they threaten good health. What we used to call intestinal flora, today with greater research and knowledge is called microbiota.

People who tend to suffer from inflammation should consider eating anti-inflammatory diets. The best known are the Mediterranean and the Japanese because they consume a lot of fish and emphasize vegetables while excluding processed and refined foods, as well as a lower intake of red meat. It is important to avoid raw leafy vegetables.

Recommendations for good digestion

1. To start the day and before breakfast, it is beneficial to drink two or three glasses of water at natural temperature. It helps to eliminate the toxins that still remain in the body.

2. Some people drink water with lemon juice, which is also recommended, but it is convenient to drink lemon juice with sherbet so as not to damage tooth enamel.

3. It is essential to allow twelve hours to pass between the last meal of the day and the first in the morning. If they are not used to it, you can start by fasting for 8 hours. This allows the body to be freed from daily work and allows our organs to rest.

4. If we eat with garnishes of raw vegetables, especially leaves, I recommend letting two hours pass before eating fruit, it also contributes to better digestion.

5. When eating red meat, it is best to start with a plate of salads, preferably green.

6. Those who suffer from discomfort or abdominal inflammation can start with a light salad without leaves. They should also avoid potatoes because they ferment and cause discomfort later and leave out or minimize the intake of raw leafy vegetables.

7. Avoid accompanying red meat with starches (potatoes and pasta) because it is more laborious for the digestive system.

8. Leafy vegetables as well as flax, sesame or any other seeds may be better tolerated when blended and ingested as juices.

Another relevant point is food allergies and intolerances. We must know what foods cause us an allergic reaction (itchy eyes or ears, itching, hives, rhinitis, etc.). Regarding celiac disease, we must bear in mind that, without being celiac, not consuming so many white flours contributes to our good health. There are wholemeal, corn, cassava, buckwheat flours that perfectly supply the wheat flours that contain gluten.

To the extent that these recommendations become part of our lives, that is, they become habits, the body will find its balance and will provide us with a large share of well-being.



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