Why do some suffer from persistent phlegm?

12:14 PM

Sunday, November 27, 2022

I wrote – Nada Sami

Some suffer from excessive phlegm and the continuation of suffering from it for a long time, even in the absence of any symptoms of colds and influenza, which may indicate a respiratory problem that requires treatment.

The “Consulto” reviews, in the following lines, the reasons for the abundance and persistence of suffering from phlegm, according to the “Very well health” website.

Symptoms associated with sputum

Heavy mucus varies in terms of how long it lasts and how severe it is. Some people may experience increased mucus production with chronic bronchitis. It is diagnosed when:

– The presence of a chronic cough accompanied by mucus.

Mucus production for at least 3 consecutive months in two consecutive years, and other accompanying symptoms include:

Sore or scratchy throat.

Feeling the need to cough.

A productive cough.

– whistled.

Sleep problems.

Congestion in the nasal passages and airways.

Reasons for increased mucus secretion

Mucus is produced by goblet cells that are found in the mucous membranes of the body. In some cases, the reason may be the inability to cough excessively. This can happen due to weak lung or throat muscles. Several factors and health problems can contribute to increased mucus secretion:

Allergens such as pollen, pollution, or dander may be irritating. The body tries to get rid of these substances by creating more mucus to cough up.

Asthma is associated with swelling and inflammation of the airways. This also leads to an overproduction of mucus.

Bronchitis is a viral infection that affects the lungs. When you have bronchitis, your immune system tries to trap the virus and remove it from the body. This may lead to increased mucus production.

Smoking and exposure to cigarette smoke are among the biggest factors leading to chronic mucus secretion. Cigarette smokers can suffer from chronic bronchitis and limited airflow. Studies show that these people have an increased number of goblet cells and inflammatory cells in the airway.

Some COPD patients have increased mucus production because they have more goblet cells than people without COPD. They may also have enlarged mucus glands in the airways.

Cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease associated with the production of very thick and sticky mucus, affects the lungs and other organs such as the pancreas. Sticky mucus makes it very difficult to clear the airways for breathing.

Also read: Why do some suffer from phlegm without coughing?

How can polyphlegm be treated?

The goal of treatment is to help produce less mucus and remove more of it from the airways, and this can be achieved by knowing the main cause and treating it, and then taking some factors, which are as follows:

Quitting smoking is the best way to improve many conditions, including chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Certain decongestants and other medications can help dissolve mucus and control mucus production

Use a humidifier at night.

Take honey as an anti-inflammatory cough suppressant.

Drink plenty of water to hydrate and help thin out mucus.

Drink warm fluids throughout the day.

Clean the nose with saline solution.

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