A 47-year-old man lost 14 kilograms in three months without going to the gym.

47-year-old bank employee Sanjay Kumar Suman served in the army in his youth and was accustomed to regular exercise and proper nutrition. However, in recent years, he had been sedentary due to work and ate a lot of junk food. His weight reached 82 kilograms, and doctors found a thyroid disease in the man and diagnosed prediabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

On the Internet, Suman found a trainer who helped him start a healthy lifestyle and lose weight without going to the gym. First of all, he gave up flour, sweets, fatty foods and fast food. Every day in the morning the man drank a glass of warm water, and then went for a 20-minute walk. He started drinking clean water according to his body weight, which was about 3.5 liters per day. Suman used to drink less than a liter of water a day. He also added more healthy foods and raw vegetables to his diet.

For breakfast, the Indian began to eat dishes rich in protein, and before lunch and dinner he always ate a plate of raw vegetables. He advised never to use crash diets or take diet pills as they do not give results in the long term. In addition, the man believes that one should not skip breakfast, as this can contribute to the development of inflammatory processes in the body and cause a number of other health problems.

Thanks to a new diet, healthy food and regular walks, he managed to lose 14 kilograms in just three months, as well as get rid of health problems.

As a result, Suman came up with his own list of four rules that helped him lose weight. Firstly, he advises finding the main reason why a person wants to lose weight, writing it down on pieces of paper and sticking it around the house. Secondly, eat a plate of fresh vegetables before lunch and dinner. The third rule was drinking enough water. According to the fourth rule of the Indian, you need to reduce the consumption of processed and sweet foods, and also give up smoking and alcohol.

“Fitness is not only about losing weight but also a way to avoid many diseases caused by poor lifestyle choices,” concluded Suman.

#47yearold #man #lost #kilograms #months #gym
2024-05-06 23:08:37

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