A collective of millionaires calls for taxing the richest to finance vaccines and the fight against poverty

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Several international organizations, including the NGO Oxfam and the Patriotic Millionaires, an organization of wealthy Americans, are participating in this appeal made public on January 19, 2022 during the World Economic Forum in Davos, which is being held online this year due to the pandemic. .

In this open letter, more than 100 millionaire philanthropists propose, in the name of the fight against inequality, that every country in the world demands that the rich pay their fair share. Their objective: to tax the richest who have earned a lot of money, with the health crisis.

According to a Oxfam report, the fortunes of billionaires have grown as much in 19 months of Covid-19 as in the previous ten years. While the rest of the world is impoverished. Since the start of the pandemic, 160 million people have fallen into poverty.

Their proposal: set up an annual tax of 2% for people with more than 5 million dollars. 3% for assets, over 50 million. And 5% after a billion dollars. This would make it possible to bring in, each year, 2520 billion dollars.

This tax would make it possible to fight against poverty, and to vaccinate the planet against Covid-19. This jackpot could also be used to prevent future pandemics.

Read also: The fortunes of billionaires have increased more since the pandemic than in a decade, according to Oxfam


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