A common symptom.. Beware. This reveals liver disease

08:02 PM

Saturday 13 August 2022

Books – Syed Metwally

There are several factors that pose a risk to the health of the liver, most notably the excessive consumption of alcohol. Alcohol-related liver disease, otherwise known as ARLD, is damage to the liver due to years and years of continuous and heavy consumption. This damage leads to a serious condition called cirrhosis.

What causes liver disease?

Lifestyle habits such as alcohol abuse and obesity impair the liver’s ability to function. Infections caused by viral attacks are also responsible for the abnormal functioning of the liver.

Years of excessive alcohol consumption can cause inflammation and swelling in the liver, leading to a condition called cirrhosis.

In the event of infection or disease, basic liver function such as removing toxins from the blood, maintaining blood sugar level, producing bile, producing proteins for blood plasma and all other important body functions are impaired, according to the Times of India website.

What are the common symptoms that could indicate an ARLD problem?

Just like any other disease associated with major body organs such as the heart and brain, liver disease is not easy to detect at first, as there are no obvious symptoms.

However, there are certain effects of these diseases on the daily activity of a person once it begins to develop in the body, but the effect of these symptoms is so mild and common that it goes unnoticed.

It’s hard to believe, but brain fog or confusion is associated with ARLD. Periods of confusion, inability to focus on common things, frequent mood changes, and poor judgment are some of the indicators towards a liver problem.

If you suffer from mood swings and cannot even focus on daily activities, keeping your lifestyle habits in mind, it is important to consult a doctor.

What are the other symptoms of liver disease?

Other symptoms that differ from liver disease are:


Unexplained weight loss

swelling of the ankles



Yellow eyes and skin


vomiting blood

Blood in stool

dark bowel movement

increased thirst

What are serious complications of ARLD?

Several complications can arise if you have ARLD:

High blood pressure and portal varicose veins: Also known as alcoholic hepatitis, this occurs when the liver is scarred to a higher degree.

At this point the blood is unable to pass through the liver, and as a result, the blood uses smaller blood vessels to reach the heart; This weakens the smaller blood vessels that eventually rupture causing bleeding, and this blood is then passed out as vomit or passed through the stool.

Ascites: It occurs when fluid builds up around the abdomen, while this can be treated, the main problem associated with this is fluid infection that can weaken the kidneys and can also be fatal.

Hepatic encephalopathy: This occurs when the liver is unable to remove toxins from the blood. In this blood, the blood contains more toxins because the liver is unable to filter it. This requires hospitalization.

What are the risk factors for liver disease?

There are many factors that pose a threat to the normal functioning of the liver, from genetics to pathogenic attacks, it is likely that these factors are enough to bring down one of the largest working organs of the body.

Risk factors are:

viral attack


Genetic disease

autoimmune disease

Fat accumulation in the liver

certain medicines

Regular medical checkups are a must

While it is always said that one should visit doctors and have regular medical check-ups after a certain age, it is advisable to check all symptoms with a doctor.

Don’t allow symptoms to go away on their own; In this way, you allow plenty of time for the disease to develop, and timely medical intervention can relieve the severity of the disease.

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