A consultant of fuel stations: rising gas excises for protection would hurt the funding atmosphere | Enterprise

“The principle issues criticized by individuals coming to spend money on Lithuania are unstable legal guidelines, unstable financial state of affairs and the like. Now, if it was foreseen since final yr that the quantity of excise taxes will likely be such and such, an individual who has calculated to spend money on Lithuania has to calculate once more and he doesn’t but know what awaits him subsequent. As a result of the logistics prices have elevated considerably”, LDS govt director Vidas Šukys advised LRT radio on Wednesday.

Based on him, this yr the gas excise tax enhance program till the 2030s has already been applied, based on which not solely excise taxes but additionally CO2 emission taxes are elevated. Based on the consultant of fuel station chains, excise taxes in Lithuania are already increased than in lots of different European international locations, and gas costs within the nation aren’t aggressive.

Based on him, the upper excise obligation will have an effect on the costs of different items, akin to meals merchandise.

On Tuesday, the Minister of Finance Gintarė Skaistė, whereas presenting the proposals to finance the nationwide protection, mentioned, amongst different issues, that an extra protection part of 6 cents per liter could possibly be included within the excise taxes on gasoline, diesel, inexperienced diesel utilized by farmers. Based on the Ministry’s calculations, about 126 million could possibly be collected on this method yearly. euros.

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2024-05-23 14:17:44

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