Senegal’s parliament begins to think about suspending the presidential election

On Saturday, a couple of hours earlier than the official begin of the election marketing campaign, President Macky Salas (Makis Salas) introduced the postponement of the elections. With that, he induced a political disaster.

The parliament is contemplating a mission adopted by the preparatory committee the day before today, which proposes to postpone the elections for half a 12 months or perhaps a 12 months, till February 2025, in accordance with the textual content distributed on the assembly.

The proposal was submitted by supporters of Karim Wade, whose candidacy for the presidency was rejected by the Constitutional Council.

It mentioned the aim of the postponement was to “keep away from institutional instability and critical political unrest” and guarantee “a full resumption of the electoral course of”.

The textual content is supported by the parliamentary camp of President M. Sall.

Members of the preparatory committee advisable suspending the elections till February 2025 to take into consideration the “realities” of the nation.

The textual content says that is as a result of difficulties of campaigning throughout the wet season and the likelihood that voting could coincide with essential spiritual holidays.

Earlier than the beginning of the parliamentary debate on the postponement of the presidential election, an opposition protest happened outdoors the parliament constructing. Safety forces chased him away utilizing tear fuel.

Cellular web was additionally shut down in Dakar on Monday.

#Senegals #parliament #begins #suspending #presidential #election
2024-05-23 14:19:43

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