A day before the coronation ceremony.. 5 secrets from the life of the new British Queen

2023-05-04 05:03:59

King Charles III recently granted his wife Camilla the official title of “Queen”, ahead of his coronation ceremony at London’s Westminster Abbey on Saturday 6 May. The official invitations to attend the coronation ceremony revealed the new title, as it came from King Charles III and “Queen” Camilla, and not “Queen Consort”, the title granted by Queen Elizabeth II to her “daughter-in-law” Camilla before her death.

With the start of the countdown to the coronation of King Charles III as king on the throne of the United Kingdom, the British magazine “People” shed light on five secrets of Camilla, and here are the five secrets covered by the newspaper:

(1) Queen without earrings
Despite having a giant treasury of royal jewels at her disposal, Queen Camilla has never pierced her ears, and assures she would not, and is comfortable and true to herself. Sources considered that the Queen’s insistence on not piercing her ears means that she will not be able to wear the historic coronation earrings (1858), like the late Queen Elizabeth, who wore them at her coronation in 1953.

(2) She loves the color blue
Queen Camilla is a fan of the color blue, which appears in her various looks on many occasions, especially the latest official photo collection of the royal coronation ceremony. And she raises a slogan that expresses her conviction that the color reflects the personality of the one who wears it, so she sees that she cannot wear the color purple, although she is never averse to bright colors, but this color she considers unworthy of her.

(3) Her favorite jacket is Arabic
She is famous for her main role in preparing the looks of King Charles on most occasions, and one of her favorite clothes is a wool and cashmere jacket decorated with a scarf bearing Arabic inscriptions embroidered with delicate silver threads, which was given to her during an official visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1998, and she wore it several times.

(4) She uses honey for her hair
She has made some slight changes in the way she styled her hair over the years, as Joe Hansford, who has specialized in hairdressing for nearly 35 years, revealed to the newspaper that the secret to the soft blonde look of the Queen is to continue to adjust the color to suit her skin tone, which changes with age, In light of adding touches of royal honey to the hair to keep it softer and brighter.

(5) 12 pairs of shoes
Because of age, a person prefers comfortable shoes, so Queen Camilla keeps wearing shoes from Chanel and Soul Bliss, which has appeared recently, with her possession of 12 pairs of them, in addition to her use of private trainers to walk on the podium.

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