A millionaire offers 130 million dollars to anyone who marries his beautiful daughter.. You will not believe why young people refuse the fabulous amount and do not accept to marry her.. You will be shocked after knowing the reason!!

It’s 02:10 am
Island Bay | Follow Favorite

Many people, especially the poor class, believe that the rich and the millionaires live happily and do not face any problems. The money they have removes all the problems that stand in their way.

And it would be almost impossible to convince a poor man who has nothing to eat that money does not bring happiness, and he may look at you as if you have a mental disorder.

One of the wealthy people in the world was unable to find a suitable groom for his beautiful daughter, so he had to pay a fabulous sum in order to achieve this goal and pay millions of dollars to get a suitable husband for his daughter.

A Hong Kong businessman, Cecil Chow, offered 72 million pounds ($130 million) to the man who would marry his daughter.

The reason for this offer is that the daughter of this rich man suffers from homosexuality and finds no pleasure in sex except with women, according to the newspaper, “The South China Morning Post.”

It is not known if the famous businessman Cecil Chao still believes that his daughter may become a natural homosexual, he hopes that it is not too late to do so, as long as Gigi is only 33 years old.

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