A “neck hump” may be a sign of major health problems

England – “Neck hump”, or medically called “kyphosis”, occurs when the spine bends excessively forward, causing the upper back and neck to twist.

Recently, this physical condition is appearing more among people, as a result of poor posture when using smartphones and other digital devices.

A “neck hump” can indicate some major health problems.

“Many people with kyphosis also suffer from severe headaches in addition to neck, shoulder and back pain,” says Nadia Alipay, a London-based orthopedist.

More serious complications of kyphosis include: instability when walking, weakness and tingling in the hands or arms, and urinary incontinence due to nerve compression.

“Your head may also protrude forward, increasing pressure on the base of your neck,” Nadia says.

Exercise can contribute to reducing the “neck hump” by strengthening muscles and improving flexibility. This can correct the alignment of the spine while also reducing any pain.

Nadia recommends practicing these exercises:

1. Chest extension

Place your arms on either side of the door frame, forming a 90-degree angle with each arm. Stretch forward to relax the muscles.

2. Extend the upper back

– Place your hands flat on a table.

– Take a step back until your arms are extended.

-Drop your head and torso down between your arms.

3. Chin lift

Sit or stand comfortably, press your chin back so that your neck is straight, and hold for 10-20 seconds.

Source: The Sun

#neck #hump #sign #major #health #problems
2024-04-24 20:06:34

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