a pandemic beginning, an open door ending

On March 19, 2020, in the newsroom of the RÍO NEGRO newspaper, as throughout the world, we learned that a complex, fateful time was beginning, full of uncertainties.

It was in the midst of those days in which the apparently distant virus began to advance and cover the world, when we decided that perhaps we could become an extra company, a kind of calm in the midst of the anxiety that was stalking us, with its numbers of death. We set out to create some comfortable zones, trying to rescue moments that, despite the loneliness and the distances imposed by the virus, would give us a feeling of closeness, familiarity, and community.

The response from you, the readers, could not have been better. You shared and were part of that -this- supplement born in a hurry and in the midst of confusion. They sent us their stories and their recipes; They told us about their pain, their new fears, and also the new sadness that this disease brought with it, about which at first we knew so, very little. Together, we became experts in disinfecting everything, in manufacturers of homemade masks, in search of methods to calm the anxieties that awoke in the middle of sleepless nights. Together we did yoga, exercises sitting in a chair; together we got used to attending performances sitting in the armchair of our house, we made a thousand bread recipes, we tidied up and redecorated our houses, we marathoned thousands of series, we read books. Together we suffer the deaths and the painful stories around them; together we hoped with the vaccines, and together we also went outside again.

“Stay at home”. That’s what the supplement was first called, as a company reinforcing the strongest lockdown. A supplement that later mutated to “At home” and is the one that reached today, Sunday February 12. They were almost three years of daily company.

Now that we have completely recovered the possibilities of being outside, that we have recovered our customs prior to the pandemic (such as sharing mate even, even when we thought we would never do it again), and that we look again at everything that surrounds without that latent fear that accompanied us like a ballast, it is time to say goodbye.
“At home” will no longer accompany them. But RÍO NEGRO will, and he will do it with new proposals, new content, new perspectives, more in line with these times and with what is happening in our region and in the world.
Starting next weekend, we will be together in another way, to inform you, to tell you what is happening in the region and to continue accompanying you.

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