A show that appears at night may reveal infection with Corona

08:00 pm

Sunday 24 July 2022

Books – Syed Metwally

Sleep is the best way to give our bodies the proper rest it needs before it starts working. Humans need at least 8 hours of sleep every day. It not only relaxes the body, but also regulates its functions such as metabolism and cognitive abilities.

Every time the body goes through any kind of change, the sleep cycle is affected, even with the slightest disruption to the body’s ecosystem.

The impact of Covid leads to a number of health problems, among them disturbed sleep patterns, and many reports have emerged revealing that patients are complaining of less sleep than usual, and people have reported that they are unable to get a night of peaceful sleep during and after recovering from infection.

What is the ideal amount of sleep for an adult?

According to the recommendation of the CDC in the United States, people over the age of 60 should sleep no less than 7 hours a day, adults between the ages of 18 and 60 should sleep about 7-8 hours per day.

The CDC also recommends that children and teens sleep more than 8 hours a day.

How is sleep related to covid?

The symptoms of Covid are mostly related to the respiratory system in the initial stage, later, or during the prolonged Covid stage, Corona symptoms become severe and cause serious health complications.

The Corona virus, which was new two years ago, has disrupted people’s quiet sleep pattern as well, many health reports and studies described this insomnia caused by Covid, as people find it difficult to sleep, many others are facing the opposite, it seems that they can’t get enough Enough sleep, and infection with the Corona virus makes them feel tired and exhausted.

Insomnia or fatigue caused by the Corona virus: what explains this?

Sleeping habits are driven by many factors such as weather, climate, food, gut health, and others.

According to several research studies, after infection with viruses that lead to cold and flu-like illnesses, the duration and quality of sleep can vary depending on symptoms and time since infection.

A research study on the effect of rhinovirus on individuals’ sleep quality found that in symptomatic individuals, total sleep time decreased by an average of 23 minutes, standardized sleep decreased by an average of 36 minutes, and sleep efficiency decreased by an average of 5%, during the active viral period.

Another study from 2021 found that participants who experienced Covid slept 60.9 minutes more than others and had a higher chance of sleeping problems 3 or more times a week.

How does disturbed sleep increase the risk of long-term Covid?

Sleep is the body’s natural way of healing, with a high potential for long-term Covid virus, as evidenced by reports and data, proper sleep is essential for the human body to counteract the long-term effects of Covid.

Corona virus causes fatigue of the individual and not getting enough sleep may negatively affect the physical and mental health of the individual, may affect the cognitive performance of the individual, which is one of the most common symptoms of the long-term Covid virus.

Improper sleep during the night will certainly affect the productivity of the individual during the day, it may also lead to frustration and will also cause social and communication problems, and the lack of sleep for long periods is dangerous for the health of the individual.

Aside from sleep, here are the other symptoms of long-term Covid

Fever or chills, runny or stuffy nose, chest congestion, cough, sore throat, sneezing, muscle or body aches, headache, tiredness, shortness of breath, abdominal discomfort, vomiting, hair loss, dry skin, body temperature above 38.0 C, diarrhoea, loss of smell and rash are some of the common symptoms reported for long-term COVID-19.

How do you improve sleep quality?

The key is to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. Here are some ways you can add more sleep to your daily schedule:

Set a bedtime

Have a light dinner

Hydrate yourself adequately an hour before bedtime

Turn off cell phones and gadgets an hour before bed

Read the book before bed

Throughout the day, watch your diet and water intake

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