A simple daily exercise could help you rejuvenate your brain

Do exercise on a regular basis is essential to maintain good physical shape. But this is not all, because it also produces positive effects on mental health. A study showed that doing a simple daily activity may be all it takes to help rejuvenate the brain.

One of the latest studies on physical activity carried out at the University of Georgia, in the United States, showed that doing exercise on a daily basis, without the need for it to be intensive, it protects certain neuronal qualities that deteriorate due to aging, among which are cognitive abilities.

According to the authors of the study, which was published in Sport Sciences for Health, this is the first investigation that analyzes the interaction of exercise with neural networks and how they influence the functioning of the brain.

Marissa Gogniat, a Ph.D. in psychology and author of the study, said that “it’s not a question of doing all the exercise as physical as possible, but a regular increase in the amount of exercise you do, which can be helpful for brain health and maintaining more independence as you age.”


How was the study carried out?

Gogniat and his team of researchers measured the fitness and physical activity of 51 older adults. Their thinking skills were assessed using tests of cognitive functioning. while their brain function was evaluated through MRI.

Physical activity was monitored through a device that measured the number of steps and the distance traveled. Physical fitness was assessed through a six-minute walk test, during which participants walked as fast as they could to cover as much distance as possible within the time limit.

The study found that the functioning of the brain network improves with physical activity. “It has always been said that it is good to do exercise but I think this is evidence that the exercise can actually change your brainGogniat said. “And that affects how you can function in your daily life.”

exercise rejuvenate brain


Gogniat noted that the exciting findings provide evidence that when people whose brain networks are not working optimally participate in physical activity, they improve their executive function and independence.

Likewise, the doctor indicated that these habits will be reflected in the functioning of neural networks, which are essential to maintain memory and have self-control. Therefore, she highlighted its importance in older adults.

“We are not saying that you need to radically change your life. Maybe just walk up the stairs on the way to work (…) Get up and walk some more. That’s where you get the most benefit, not in a exercise crazy and high intensity”, he concluded.

WITH INFORMATION FROM Sport Science for Healt

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