A study warns: the famous irregular cycle is a sign of these diseases

An observational study published in JAMA In October, women suffering from monthly cycles Irregular or long cycles may be more likely to cause heart disease. Specifically, the risk of heart disease was higher in those who had cycles longer than 40 days or more, according to the website “. verywellhealth“.

While irregular menstrual cycles do not cause heart disease, they can serve as a sign of other health problems that ultimately contribute to heart disease, something researchers hope to explore further to prevent them..

What is the effect of menstrual cycles on the risk of heart disease?

To conduct the study, the researchers collected data from more than 80,000 women with an average age of 37.7 at the start of the study. They had reported their menstrual patterns since the age of 14. They had completed follow-up questionnaires every two years for 24 years. The researchers looked at how long their menstrual cycles lasted. on average and whether they had coronary artery disease, heart attack, coronary angioplasty (procedures to improve blood flow), or stroke during the follow-up period.

While only 1,816 of the 80,630 participants eventually developed heart disease before the age of 46, the findings show a higher risk of heart disease among women who reported irregular cycles, no periods, or longer cycles..

Why might this link exist?

The connection between irregular menstrual cycles and heart disease isn’t entirely clear, but Dr. Samar Al-Khodary, a cardiovascular epidemiologist at the University of Pittsburgh, notes that hormones play a role..

When people experience changes to their menstrual cycle in their 20s and 30s, it is usually related to an imbalance in the hormones that work between the brain and the pituitary gland. These hormonal changes can affect many systems of the body, including the cardiovascular system..

Estrogen is a hormone that protects heart health. The longer the menstrual cycle, the less often a person ovulates and the less estrogen a person produces. Therefore, it is likely that those with longer periods between periods have less cardiovascular protection..

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