A tribute to Delphine Jubillar will be paid on Saturday at Albi Cathedral

A new tribute must be paid Saturday to Delphine Jubillar, disappeared in Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn) on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020. This time it will be a religious ceremony in an enclosed place. “Delphine’s brothers and sister as well as her close friends wish to share with you the Mass which will be pronounced by Father Paul de Cassagnac on Saturday January 8 at 4 pm at the Sainte-Cécile Cathedral in Albi. Anyone who wishes to be associated with this ceremony of meditation will be welcome ”announce Stéphanie and Chloé, both at the initiative of this gathering, in a text sent to Parisian-Today in France. The first is Delphine’s older sister, the second one of her closest childhood friends.

“We do not lose hope that Delphine’s body is found”

“The intention of this ceremony is that light be shed on Delphine’s disappearance so that her soul can find the path to peace”, continues Chloe. For the past year, significant research resources have been deployed within a radius of ten to twenty kilometers around Cagnac-les-Mines to find the body of the nurse in Albi. Without result for the moment. “We are not losing hope that Delphine’s body will be found, but for the moment this terrible situation means that it is impossible for us to offer her a burial,” Chloe continues. All that remains for us is faith and spirituality so that Delphine, from where she is, continues to watch over Louis and Elyah, her two children ”.

Each participant in the ceremony will be invited to come and place a candle around a portrait representing Delphine and her children. The parish priest of Albi Cathedral, Father Paul de Cassagnac, will then celebrate a mass punctuated by readings of texts and musical times. “We sincerely hope that the media respect this moment of intimacy and that the cameras and cameras remain outside the cathedral”, specifies Chloé.

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Since last June 18, Cédric Jubillar has been indicted for “murder by spouse”. He is suspected of having killed his wife on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020 and of having her body disappear. In pre-trial detention at the Toulouse-Seysses remand center, he continues to proclaim his innocence. The investigative chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal will examine next Tuesday, January 11, the appeal lodged by his lawyers following the rejection of a new request for release.

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