a week before, certain symptoms may alert

In some people, signs of a future stroke may occur days before. Symptoms to be aware of and not to be taken lightly.

Each year in France, an average of 150,000 people are victims of a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Attacks that are often sudden and whose sequelae can be less significant if the patient is taken care of quickly.

This is why it is essential to know the warning signs to anticipate the crisis. Although these symptoms often appear just before the crisis, British scientists have discovered that they can sometimes be detected several days before.

A week before, the symptoms that alert

These are the British researchers from the Cardiac Screen Clinic who looked at the symptoms that often appear a week before a AVC. By studying the cases of patient victims of accident stroke, scientists found that 43% of these stroke victims experienced at least one of the following symptoms:

  • headache
  • dizziness,
  • numbness or tingling in the limbs or face
  • confusion mentale,
  • muscle weakness in the arm or leg,
  • Visual field impairment.

Consult before the crisis

If you experience any of these symptoms, even mildly, it is advisable to consult quickly to avoid a more serious crisis. Indeed, these signs are often linked to what can be called a “mini-stroke”, a less serious crisis, but which is most of the time a precursor to a more significant stroke.

Prevent 80% of strokes

Stroke specialists agree that 80% of strokes could be avoided or their consequences lessened if the patient or his entourage detected the symptoms listed above.

Stroke is the 3rd cause of death and the 2nd cause of dementia in France. 25% of those affected are under the age of 65. A stroke occurs when blood flow is interrupted or malfunctions in the brain. Two types of stroke exist : cerebral hemorrhagic accident which is consecutive to the rupture of a blood vessel and ischemic cerebral accident which is due to a clogged artery.

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