Abdul Majeed Abdullah announces that he has this disease in front of the public!

The great Saudi artist, Abdul Majeed Abdullah, announced that he had Almanir disease, yesterday, Friday, in front of the audience during his concert yesterday in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.

And social media accounts circulated a video clip in which Abdul Majeed Abdullah appears on the stage alongside Arab artist Mohammed Abdo, to announce that Abdullah has contracted Al-Manir disease, which causes inner ear infections, and then the patient feels dizzy and unbalanced.

Abdul Majeed Abdullah, the audience of the Riyadh concert, called on him to pray for his recovery, saying: “Pray that our Lord will set her free for me and relieve me of the inflammation of the inner ear, which is the maneir who corrects imbalance and makes me unable to stand before you, I must stand in my full health so that I can enjoy with you at the same time.”

For his part, Muhammad Abdo wanted to soften the atmosphere, so Abdullah joked, saying: “I mean, how does dizziness come to you like this or that… If I slap you alone on your ears, what will happen?”

It is noteworthy that the concert in Riyadh was held in a new way, where a trio of 3 stars was presented simultaneously on the stage, and the concert began with the trio (Asma Lamnawar, Nabil Shuail, Ali bin Muhammad), then (Abdullah Al-Ruwaished / Nawal Al-Kuwaiti / Angham). And after them (Walid Al-Shami / Aseel Abu Bakr / Ali bin Muhammad), then the stars (Ahlam / Asma Lamnawar / Angham) participated.

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