Accepting Convictional Signs in Administration: How Ghent Leads the Way

2023-09-02 06:18:00

Alderman Ecolo Nadia Kammachi says she is in favor of accepting convictional signs within the administration of Anderlecht. “In Ghent, this has already been done and it is going very well,” she told La Capitale.

Read also Port of convictional signs to Francisco Ferrer, the case referred to the Constitutional Court

This position statement follows a working group organized within the administration around the theme of diversity and employee well-being. From this group emerged this request for authorization of convictional signs.

According to the ecologist alderman, this authorization would make it possible to remove a brake on employment. A political discussion will take place at the end of September within the college of aldermen, note our colleagues.

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#Convictional #signs #alderman #Kammachi #Ecolo #working #group #authorization #administration

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