Accountant launches online course on data analysis in BI

2023-06-02 13:51:39

Within the business environment, the company that ignores the data generated in the course of its operations is at risk of making wrong decisions that can generate financial losses.

According to Lourival Melo, a professor specializing in data analysis, with more than 20 years of practical experience in accounting, strategic data analysis is the key to improving performance and making assertive decisions within any company, from small to large companies. .

“Data is like a hidden treasure, waiting to be explored. The company that knows how to value and analyze data for decision-making can benefit from competitive advantages in the market”, says Professor Lourival.

“For example, a company that ignores analyzing sales data may suffer losses during the year. If a company doesn’t know which are its best-selling products, which products generate greater profitability, how is this company going to invest in inventory, without making mistakes at the time of purchase?”, he adds.

Lourival explains that companies that master the art of data analysis have the ability to anticipate trends, identify market opportunities, offering customized solutions to customers, resulting in more profits for the company.

The ability to value and analyze this data has become a competitive differentiator in the business world. Knowing how to interpret information correctly and make informed decisions is essential for the success and growth of a company.

In 2015, Microsoft released a data analysis tool called Power BI. And the good news is that this tool came to make life easier for data analysis specialists.

The professor explains that the demand for specialists in data analysis grew with the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, when, at its most critical moment, quarantine and social isolation measures were enacted.

“Businesspeople around the world needed to keep their companies running, and as the vast majority of employees were working from home, it was at this critical moment that companies saw Power BI as an essential tool to perform data analysis, allowing the entire team, even at home office, had access to company data in real time”, says Lourival.

Power BI allows the creation of interactive and dynamic visualizations, facilitating the understanding and interpretation of data for making important decisions within the business environment.

Demand that is generating new opportunities in the job market

The demand for professionals who master data analysis tools has grown exponentially. Companies across all industries are looking for talent capable of strategically collecting, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data.

Lourival says that this is a great time for professionals, especially young people, to qualify and gain knowledge to master the use of the tool.

“This is the kind of knowledge that adds a great difference to the curriculum, generating incredible opportunities in the job market”, says Lourival.

How to learn Power BI?

For professionals who want to learn from scratch or delve deeper into the universe of data analysis, Professor Lourival Melo has developed the online course Power BI without Secret.

Lourival Melo, professor in charge of the Escola de Cursos Online Excel Sem Segredo, says that the idea for the new course came up in response to requests from students who already participate in other courses at the online school.

“Students in our courses brought to our school the need and desire to take a complete Power BI course at an affordable price, covering knowledge on how to use the main features of the tool to work with data analysis in a simple and practical way, serving the needs of companies”, he explains.

The online course was recently launched and registration is open for professionals from all over Brazil who have the need or desire to acquire essential knowledge to become specialists in data analysis and boost their professional careers through the knowledge acquired in the tool.

“Being able to share my knowledge with other professionals, especially young people who still don’t have experience, but are looking to have a curriculum prepared and aligned with what companies need is very satisfying”, adds Professor Lourival.

For more information about courses and fees:

Whatsapp: (14) 99121-3638

Canal Youtube:

Official Course Website:


#Accountant #launches #online #data #analysis

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