ACG Love Creation: Revolutionizing Game Development with AI Collaboration – Wanmiao’s Comprehensive Report

2023-11-13 08:52:23
Picture/Wanmiao provides life center/comprehensive report With the rapid development of AI technology in the future, “AI collaboration” is considered to be an important milestone in subverting most industries in the future and greatly improving productivity. This wave has attracted the attention of the domestic education sector, Hongguang University of Science and Technology Multimedia Professor Liu Mingkun of the Department of Game Development and Application recently invited the founder of “ACG Love Creation” who returned to Taiwan from Japan’s “2023 Tokyo Game Show” in September and was hailed by Japanese netizens as “the light of Taiwan’s ACG game development tools”. Bao (Ye Zhengyang), brought shocking education to the students on the spot. The advertisement (please continue reading this article) shows on-site how to use the latest generation of AI artificial intelligence-assisted game production tools. Even students can achieve “zero basics without writing programming code, and can make complete games and sell them all over the world, creating millions.” “Passive income”, every student paid full attention, and the teachers present exclaimed, it has been a long time since I saw such enthusiastic reactions from students! ▲Ye Zhengyang, the founder of “ACG Love Creation”, was invited to give a speech at Hongguang University of Science and Technology, demonstrating AI artificial intelligence-assisted game production tools to students. Picture/Advertisement provided by Wanmiao (please continue reading this article) In view of the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years, many domestic text creators, graphic designers, and art editors are worried that their jobs will be replaced, but “ACG Fanbao (Ye Zhengyang), the founder of “Love Creation”, believes that now is an excellent opportunity to flip the industry and upgrade it, and it is also a stage for the younger generation. ▲Ye Zhengyang, founder of ACG Love Creation, said that with the assistance of AIGC technology, the speed and difficulty of game production will be greatly reduced. Picture/Wanmiao provides a comparison of the past when hundreds of people made a game. By integrating AIGC (AI Generated Content) artificial intelligence content generation technology, the “ACG Love Creation” tool itself is a huge material library, including technology, art, and translation, which can be quickly Production, using AI to generate characters, create scripts and share them with partners for collaboration, even people with no programming foundation can make wonderful ACG games. “ACG Love Creation” increases the production speed by more than 50 times on average. In the past, it took several months of work, but now it takes less than three months on average to complete a unique game. The most important thing is that games created through the platform can directly generate cross-platform web versions and can be quickly translated into more than a dozen mainstream international languages. Simply put, players can purchase and play directly on computers or mobile phones. No longer restricted by iOS, Android, etc., even language is no longer a problem. This means that the new generation of creators can produce exclusive works and promote them globally to earn money from players around the world as long as they unleash their creativity without restraint and maximize the plots they can imagine. ▲Ye Zhengyang, the founder of “ACG Loves Creation” hopes that through education and technical assistance, the new generation of young people can fully express their creativity in the game industry. Picture/Wanmiao providing rice bags (Ye Zhengyang) said: Many people think of Japan when they think of games, especially ACG games, but in fact, Taiwanese manufacturers have no regard for their strength or creativity when it comes to game distribution in certain areas of the steam platform. are far more powerful than Japan, so Taiwanese people must not underestimate themselves. Entering the AI ​​era, many industries will be reshuffled. That is our most critical opportunity. My goal is always the same, to establish a Chinese ecosystem and realize the creators’ dreams. Dream to become the Youtube of the gaming industry! I believe that in the era of AI, the thinking of education must keep up. Schools must open their minds to embrace innovation and efficiency, and not stick to the stereotypes of the past. Only in this way can we help future owners and seize opportunities to lead industrial innovation. The most important thing is that before we deeply develop Taiwan’s industries, we must first gather the self-confidence of the nation. Only then can we move forward and create a new pattern that belongs to Taiwan and belongs to us. We look forward to deepening industry-university cooperation between more schools in the future and cultivating new talents early. In the next few years, AI talents will be hot in the global market.
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