Affects the brain, heart, liver: 8 diseases that the herpes virus can cause

Chickenpox is also herpes

The third type – herpes zoster or chicken pox, can affect at any age. In about 10% of patients who have had chickenpox (in childhood, adolescence), the virus affects the brain with the development of a serious illness – encephalitis. Even if a child or adult is lucky, and he had a mild infection, the virus in most cases remains in the body throughout life.

In older people, with a change in hormonal levels, with a sharp suppression of the immune system, conditions can be created for the reactivation of the virus. In this case, another manifestation of chicken pox is formed – shingles. These are grouped bubble rashes in the trunk area, localized along the trunks of the intercostal nerves. In addition to rashes, severe pain and burning, itching, which are difficult to eliminate, are typical.

Epstein Virus – Barr

It is the most insidious of all herpes viruses because it has oncogenic potential. It circulates mainly in the lymphoid organs, provoking inflammation, soreness of the lymph nodes. The acute form manifests itself in the form of infectious mononucleosis.

About a third of those who have had this disease carry the virus in their bodies for life, without even knowing it. Against the background of failures in the immune system, unreasonable fevers occur, lymph nodes increase, the condition either improves or worsens. It is possible to determine the true cause only by passing tests and identifying the virus.

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