After the Airtags the Apple Watch also allows you to track a vehicle

For a few months and the release of AriTags by Apple, several news items had spoken of people, wanting to steal a vehicle most of the time, which placed the small Apple tracker at the heart of the latter. If the apple brand seems to have solved the problem by offering several fixes, the thieves are full of imagination and seem really ready to do anything to succeed.

This new story takes place in the American city of Nashiville, Tenessee. It was in this state that a man was arrested by the police after placing an Apple Watch in the wheel of a car. The 29-year-old man would have hidden the Apple watch in the wheel of the car, but according to the first elements of the investigation, the theft was not the objective here.

A heavy past within the couple

Indeed, the police arrived on the scene at the end of last week when the main defendant was facing his ex-girlfriend whom he had been able to follow with the watch. While the man is under a restraining order for acts of violence that occurred last summer, he made several death threats against his former partner.

The young woman explained that she had used the controversial application Life360 to follow the location of her boyfriend at the time, and that he was doing the same. But during certain trips, especially in family security centers, she deactivated the location, which made the man mad with rage.

The latter therefore decided to use his Apple Watch to permanently locate his former companion, without her consent. When questioned by the police, he admitted the facts and explained to the police that he had left the Life360 application active on the watch in order to be able to follow it in real time.

After AirTags, Apple Watch?

This isn’t the first time an Apple product has found itself in a story like this, but it’s a big first for an Apple Watch. Indeed, the Apple watch had been preferred until then by smaller, less expensive products and above all much more functional over time, such as AirTags.

But while Apple has put in place several protection systems for victims who could be tracked by this kind of tracer, the people behind this crime always seem more inventive and still take advantage of the technology they have in their hands. to divert it from its primary use. – Official App

Par : Keleops AG

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