‘Again lameness’ Han Deok-soo Hearing… National Assembly clogged with ‘check-and-run’


The hearing of Prime Minister Han Deok-soo’s nominee was also canceled today (26th). Ultimately, the hearing was postponed to next week. The legal deadline for hearings is today, and this has been violated as a result. The appearance of the National Assembly, which was crippled by the scrutiny, was revealed as it is. Let’s take a look at the relevant details in the situation room of the National Assembly.


[한덕수/국무총리 후보자 (어제) : (첫날 청문회가 좀 원활하게 진행이 안 됐는데 어떻게…) 위원장님께서 다 말씀을 하셨으니까 저는 뭐 더 첨언할 것이 없겠습니다. 간사님들끼리 오늘 많이 말씀을 하셔서 저희도 성심성의껏 최대한 간사님들끼리 국정협의를 하시겠죠.]

The hearing of Prime Minister Han Deok-soo’s nominee ended in lameness for the second day. The Democratic Party and Justice Party took issue with the poor submission of data. In the end, one candidate supplemented the data and decided to hold a hearing again on the 2nd or 3rd of the next month. It is fortunate that the parties have reached an agreement. The Personnel Hearing Act, which had been submitted on the 7th for a candidate’s personnel hearing, which had to be completed within 20 days, was violated.

[성일종/국민의힘 의원 : 오랜 국회의 전통이 법정 기일을 지키는 것임에도 불구하고 이 아름다운 전통이 이번에는 깨질 것 같습니다. 다시 한번 죄송하다는 말씀을 거듭 드립니다.]

Prior to the agreement, a personnel hearing was held today as well as yesterday. Only the doctoral presentations were made, and the meeting took place in less than 30 minutes. Democratic Party lawmaker Kang Byung-won made a panel for Kim & Chang’s job specification submitted by a candidate and criticized it once again.

[강병원/더불어민주당 의원 : 김앤장이 업무 내역을 줄 수 없다면 후보자께서 직접 업무 내역을 작성해서 제출하라고 요청해서 받은 서류입니다. 한 일은 간담회 네 번 참석이 다란 말입니까. 국민께서 이 해명을 어떻게 납득할 수 있겠습니까. 후보자께서 총리 이력을 돈벌이 수단으로 사용한 전관예우의 끝판왕입니까?]

The Justice Party floor leader Bae Jin-kyo also attended today. Some of the materials that were difficult to submit were also requested by People’s Power lawmakers, and asked to determine whether the request was unreasonable or whether one candidate was uncooperative.

[배진교/정의당 원내대표 : 외화와 관련된 자료는 전부 개인정보활용 비동의로 제출이 안 됐습니다. 후보자와 배우자의 외화 거래 내역은 존경하는 우리 성일종 의원님, 전주혜 의원님, 최형두 의원님께서도 요청하신 자료입니다. 외화 송금 내역, 외화 저축 현황, 해외 계좌 개설 현황 등 외화 관련 자료는 하나도 안 내셨습니다. 이게 정말 의미 없는 자료입니까? 이게 무리한 요구입니까? 아니 그렇다고 한다면 국민의힘 의원님들께서는 왜 요청하신 겁니까?]

It is true that Rep. Kim Mi-ae, a member of the People’s Power, requested the details of the real estate transaction of the candidates’ deceased parents, but said that it was only for checking the basic facts.

[김미애/국민의힘 의원 : 확인을 해 보니까 아버님께서는 82년, 어머님께서는 94년에 돌아가셨습니다. 그러면 추가로 요구하진 않습니다. 이 수십 년 전에 돌아가신 부모님 재산 거래 내역까지 요구하는 것은 온당치 않고요.]

Rep. Kim reiterated the remarks of President Moon Jae-in and Advisor Lee Jae-myung, who suggested that the moral verification be kept private and the policy verification conducted at the public hearing. The tension between the opposition parties continued.

In fact, this kind of war of nerves is something that happens at every hearing. However, there were rumors that there was a different background behind the delay of the hearing by violating the Personnel Hearing Act. The nomination of a ministerial candidate does not require the consent of the opposition, but the prime minister does require a plenary vote, that is, the consent of the Democrats. It is said that the Democratic Party is opposed to a candidate as ‘responsible prime minister’ who was involved in the overall nomination of Yoon Seok-yeol for the 1st term cabinet minister. Earlier, I talked about linking the hearings of one candidate with other candidates for minister. Vice Chairman Yun Ho-jung demanded that one candidate ‘recommend replacement of the ministerial candidate’.

[윤호중/더불어민주당 공동비상대책위원장 (MBC ‘김종배의 시선집중’) : 말은 ‘책임총리가 될 것이다’라고 하지만 사실상 시작에서부터 허수아비 총리가 된 것이 아니냐. 한덕수 총리는 인사청문회장에 나와서 앉아 있을 게 아니라 윤석열 당선인한테 빨리 가서 문제 있는 장관 후보들을 교체해달라 이렇게 건의해야 되지 않나.]

They criticized the people’s power as a hindrance to the new government. As long as one candidate is held accountable for the entire cabinet, the Democratic Party must cooperate, but it is not intended to cause setbacks for the launch of the new government itself.

[최형두/국민의힘 의원 (KBS ‘최경영의 최강시사’) : 한덕수 후보자의 의견을 들어서 장관을 임명을 했고. 부처와 내각이 총리가 책임지고 할 수 있도록 이렇게 꾸려놨기 때문에 이게 이전 정부랑 좀 다릅니다. 그래서 이걸 빨리 마쳐줘야 하는데 그 자체에 관심이 없는지 아니면 그 자체를 파행시키려고 하는 것인지…]

When discussing the fate of other ministerial candidates, the first priority would be Jung Ho-young for Minister of Health and Welfare. In addition to the suspicion of ‘Dad Chance’ at the time of my child’s transfer to medical school. Suspects arose that her daughter had taken Candidate Chung’s classes, but she did not report it to school. It was also revealed that she was a professor at the National University, and had been active in 5 external institutions without reporting concurrent positions while serving as a professor at Kyungpook National University. Candidate Jeong declined to comment on successive questions.

[정호영/보건복지부장관 후보자 : (딸에게 학점 주시고 떳떳하신가요?) 수고 많으십니다. 감사합니다.]

Some in the Democratic Party also argued that the fate of candidate Chung and the power of the people had to some extent determined it. It is said that it is acting as a kind of ‘arrowhead’ to prevent interest in the suspicion of other ministerial candidates.

[설훈/더불어민주당 의원 (YTN ‘뉴스킹 박지훈입니다’ / 지난 22일) : 틀림없이 안 나올 수 없을 겁니다. 너무 문제가 많아 가지고. 그런데 지금 정리를 안 하고 있는 이유는 우리들이 볼 때 정호영 장관 후보자를 먼저 털어버리면 화살이 다른 데로 또 간다. 이런 것 때문에 일부러 정리를 해야 되는데도 불구하고 안 하고 있는 것 아닌가.]

Suspicions are also continuing regarding another candidate for minister, Kim In-cheol, who is also the vice-premier of society and minister of education. It was reported that not only the daughter, but also the son and wife all received scholarships from the Fulbright Foundation, where he was the alumni president. This is an extended version of ‘Daddy Chance’. Following the suspicion of self-appointment when he was the president of Korea University of Foreign Studies, suspicions of correcting his daughter’s birthday have also surfaced.

[JTBC ‘뉴스룸’ (어제) : 원래 출생신고면 빠른 생일로 1996년에 초등학교에 입학해야 했지만 생일을 고친 뒤 1년 늦춰졌습니다. 자녀를 강남 학군에 입학시키기 위해 일부러 생일을 바꾼 게 아니냐는 의혹이 나옵니다.]

Let’s go to the hearing and talk more. Let’s take a look at today’s steps as President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol. He visited Incheon. President-elect Yoon explained that the schedule was focused on balanced regional development and people’s livelihood. I accompanied Yun, who visited the road construction site between Yeongjong and Sindo in Incheon, and former Mayor Jeong-bok Yoo, a candidate for the People’s Strength Incheon Mayor. Candidate Jeong-bok Yoo and Rep. Jun-young Bae, who is a member of the Incheon district, toured the site and requested an exemption from the preliminary feasibility study for the construction of a road from Sindo to Ganghwa. President-elect Yoon did not give an immediate answer. He sympathized, recalling his own experience of going to Ganghwa Island.

The Democratic Party criticized the local election as a part of the local election and a show-off event as part of election intervention. It was said that the president-elect Yoon, who accompanied Candidate Jeong-bok Yoo, did not call the current manager of Incheon City, who is in charge of the actual work. President-elect Yoon also visited the mayor of Gyeyang, Incheon, where there is a possibility that a by-election could be held due to the candidacy of Seoul mayor Song Young-gil.

[윤석열/대통령 당선인 : 오늘도 영종과 신도를 잇는 건설 현장을 보고 왔습니다만, 인천이 발전 가능성이 아주 무한하고 저도 대통령으로서 인천지역의 발전이 곧 대한민국과 아시아의 발전이라는 생각을 가지고 최선을 다하(겠습니다.)]

It is said that on the day of the inauguration ceremony, President-elect Yoon decided to have a dinner with distinguished guests, such as diplomatic envoys, at the Shilla Hotel’s guesthouse in Jung-gu, Seoul. Since the Blue House will be completely open from the day of the inauguration ceremony, the intention is to take into account the inconvenience of citizens. However, the Democratic Party criticized ‘who pays the price of the meal’, saying, ‘Even the rumors are absurd’. It is criticized for having a luxurious dinner at a luxury hotel in addition to the highest inauguration budget of 3.3 billion won in history.

[김성환/더불어민주당 정책위의장 : 청와대를 개방하더라도 청와대 구조상 얼마든지 영빈관을 독립적으로 사용할 수 있다는 사실은 알 만한 사람들은 다 압니다. 서민 물가가 치솟고 있는데 국민 혈세를 이렇게 낭비해도 되는 것인지 지금이라도 영빈관 사용으로 국민 혈세를 절약할 생각은 없는지 묻고 싶습니다.]

The president-elect Yoon Seok-yeol explained, “There is no big difference in cost, except for the hotel dinner event, which only adds about a rental fee.” It seems to be an extension of President-elect Yoon’s declaration that he would not enter the Blue House even for a single day. What do regular members think?

Today’s presentation is organized like this.

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