St. Pölten against Ried: From top game to flop game

At the start of the season, the duo were among the favorites for the title, but with GAK the Bundesliga promoted team has long been confirmed.

Before the duel, St. Pölten is also a little unknown for the Innviertel team: Coach Philipp Semlic also resigned from the Lower Austrians after the recent 0-0 draw in Leoben – the previous assistant coach Christoph Witamwas will take over on an interim basis until the end of the season. “We know him a little bit, he played with the Burgenland Academy against our Ried Academy team last year,” says Ried coach Max Senft, who has to do without the suspended Nemanja Celic today. There is still a question mark behind Philipp Pomer’s commitment.

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Raphael Watzinger

Sports editor

Raphael Watzinger

Raphael Watzinger


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