Agnez Mo Shows Face Photos Without Makeup and Filters, Reaping Netizens’ Praise


Agnez Mo shows off unfiltered photos on Instagram, Mother. This woman whose real name is Agnes Monica Muljoto doesn’t even use makeup.

Agnez uploaded several photos with various expressions. These photos were uploaded to support Mental Health awareness month.

“No filters (not even Paris – you know what I’m talking about!). No makeup. I think this is my way of supporting Mental Health awareness month,” wrote Agnez Mo, quoted from Instagram @agnezmo, Sunday (29/5/22).

Agnez Mo admitted that his appearance in the photo was far from perfect. But, she feels very happy and grateful for her appearance, Mother.

This 35-year-old woman then revealed her heart regarding appearance. Agnez wants to always feel happy appearing as she is, and not just looking like she wants.

“My photos, my skin, how I look in these photos are far from perfect but what’s interesting is that no matter how I look, I feel HAPPY, satisfied and blessed. As a reminder (to myself): the goal is to always feel this way, and not just looking the way I want,” said Agnez Mo.

“And this is it. I have sun-damaged skin and pores (last check I’m still human) and have acne,” he continued.

In one of the photos, Agnez Mo shows his tired-looking eyes. Even so, he tried to keep a smile and be grateful for everything.

“It’s okay if your eyes look tired, but you still have to try to smile. You have a lot to be grateful for,” said Agnez.

Agnez Mo’s upload got a lot of positive responses from netizens, you know, Mother. Many of them praised Agnez’s appearance without makeup and filters. What are netizens saying? Let’s read the next page, Mother.

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Also check out the sundries of dealing with acne prone skin, in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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