Agriculture: Martinique wants to regain more food independence


Video length: 4 min.


Article written by Florival, G.Le Goff, E.Revidon, Images drone : Florian Bachelu

France 2

France Televisions

A major exporter of bananas and sugar cane, Martinique has to import almost all of its food. To reverse the trend, initiatives are multiplying with the return of cocoa, the arrival of European seeds or even financial aid for the animal sector.

Banana and sugar cane plantations extend over thousands of hectares in Martinique. The presence of these two dominant cultures is the symbol of a department that is ultra-dependent and forced to import the vast majority of its food. Food that comes from afar and is sold 10% more expensive than in mainland France. In recent years on the island, initiatives have multiplied so that Martinique regains more food independence. Jonathan Leury-Agarat has opted for a diversified organic culture by planting seeds from abroad.

20% fewer breeders in three years

Cocoa, the island’s historic crop, has also largely disappeared. So Lucien Louri decided to replant several hundred cocoa trees on his family farm. More consume local is not yet a reflex for many consumers, as Philippe regrets Vourchdirector of Denel which could produce twice as much fruit juice. Pour Move towards more food sovereignty, the department is also betting on the revival of the animal sector.In three years in the department, the number of breeders has dropped by 20%, so a massive investment plan of several million euros has been launched, in particular to modernize farms, slaughterhouses and relaunch livestock.comments Gaspard of Florivalspecial envoy to Martinique.

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